世界 List of Authors
Anonymous凯隆琳库克FrancisJerry Hudson
Lois Faye Dryer勒罗伊耶克 SummerRobert A · GaronneEdie Hanes
Brad AlexanderW · T · Brannon爱默德皮尔森阿戴丝梅哈
Joseph V · black gramEdwin Baird瑞科帕耶斯J · D · Belle Staver
Charles E · FritschR.T.M. ScottDonald million DresserBuzz Galway Hills
George Wei LianleiRick HasseCarolyn WheatBishop Richard Wu
Lyle RobertsonTed StrattonMorris Hirsch Man哈兰埃利森
Margaret MaloneWilliam LaylinLittle Francis M · NevinsAidegeman
Miqi Fu Li GoldmanDonald AndrePhilip SharpRanieri Roman A ·
史蒂芬玛罗H · R · F · KeatingH · B · black gramEdward S · Sullivan
Edward WellenLyle LamasAugust Dresser thinkingEdie Harness
亨利史勒莎John L · Front of ChurchHal Yi ErsenJohn Metcalfe
Hugh B · KraftKono Stan HamiltonKen Lewis奥特斯洛柯 Hang
Katherine Ellis pass that test罗思古兰特克拉伦斯克 RandA · J · Collins
Seoul W · Feynman transitionStuart FriedmanBarry PayneWilbur S · Peacock
世界 公元 

history books written is biographical style《三国史辨误》
imperial decree memorialize the emperor《臺案彙錄壬集》
local chronicles《香山县乡土志》
World History《巴列维王朝的兴衰》
Shenmo to record the weird, occult and myserious《七真因果传》
Fictionalized history Shuibu《金石缘》
chivalrousness novel《续侠义传》
gifted scholars and beautiful ladies《绣像红灯记》
the ways of the world humanity《蜜蜂计》
desk novel《武则天四大奇案》
Spring classes《七国春秋平话》
Medical Science《爱月庐医案》
to copy by hand romantic love《情楼迷史》
arm record of actual event; on-the-spot report《薛仁贵征辽事略》
literature apprehend《文心雕龙集校》
describe loving stories (books)《玩偶的幽灵》
consecution detective《星期四凶杀案》

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