: 古琴曲《风入松》的别称。三国魏嵇康曾作古琴曲《风入松》。 鬆林之風松林之风。 南朝 宋 颜延之 《拜陵庙作》诗:“松风遵路急,山烟冒壠生。”《南史·隐逸传下·陶弘景》:“特爱松风,庭院皆植松,每闻其响,欣然 鬆風 Matsukaze 詩人:黎廷瑞 Li Tingrui 流水渡澗秋泠泠,怒濤拍天風雨驚。 鸞鏘鶴唳翻青冥,竜吟虎嘯愁太陰。 連山遍野流空明,飄飄音樂張洞庭。 彈璈鼓簧吹雪笙,拊石擊磬作天鈞。 忽然昭文不鼓琴,幽幽又作吟風箏。 問童何如睡不應,起視月落天河傾。 乃知虛皇集萬靈,風伯起舞蒼穹伶。 世間鄭衛聊足聽,久笑舞此蓬萊音。 傳伯枝癢不可禁,篝燈起誦離騷經。 Water crossing Jianqiu clear qin melody, high sea the heavens rain scared. Luan Qing Ming Qiang turn dicey, Dragons Tigers worry moon. Hill emptied out everywhere, fluttering music sheets Dongting. Reed blowing snow drum shells ao Sheng, pat stoning Jun chime for days. Suddenly the text is not Gu Qin Zhao, Yin also for the faint kite. How about sleeping children should not be asked, tilting from the Milky Way, as moon_set_. I realized that Wong _set_ of virtual Souls, the wind dance firmament Peter Ling. Enough to listen to the world talk of Zheng and Wei, long laugh dance the Penglai tone. Bo Chi Chuan is not itchy ban cage lights from reciting Sao through. 漢英: 古琴曲《风入松》的别称。三国魏嵇康曾作古琴曲《风入松》。 鬆林之風松林之风。 南朝 宋 颜延之 《拜陵庙作》诗:“松风遵路急,山烟冒壠生。”《南史·隐逸传下·陶弘景》:“特爱松风,庭院皆植松,每闻其响,欣然 鬆風 Matsukaze 詩人:黎廷瑞 Li Tingrui 流水渡澗秋泠泠,怒濤拍天風雨驚。 鸞鏘鶴唳翻青冥,竜吟虎嘯愁太陰。 連山遍野流空明,飄飄音樂張洞庭。 彈璈鼓簧吹雪笙,拊石擊磬作天鈞。 忽然昭文不鼓琴,幽幽又作吟風箏。 問童何如睡不應,起視月落天河傾。 乃知虛皇集萬靈,風伯起舞蒼穹伶。 世間鄭衛聊足聽,久笑舞此蓬萊音。 傳伯枝癢不可禁,篝燈起誦離騷經。 Water crossing Jianqiu clear qin melody, high sea the heavens rain scared. Luan Qing Ming Qiang turn dicey, Dragons Tigers worry moon. Hill emptied out everywhere, fluttering music sheets Dongting. Reed blowing snow drum shells ao Sheng, pat stoning Jun chime for days. Suddenly the text is not Gu Qin Zhao, Yin also for the faint kite. How about sleeping children should not be asked, tilting from the Milky Way, as moon_set_. I realized that Wong _set_ of virtual Souls, the wind dance firmament Peter Ling. Enough to listen to the world talk of Zheng and Wei, long laugh dance the Penglai tone. Bo Chi Chuan is not itchy ban cage lights from reciting Sao through.