斯基泰人(Scythians),又译西古提人、西徐亚人或赛西亚人;古代波斯人称之为 Saka 塞克人,分为戴尖帽塞克人、饮豪麻汁塞克人、海那边的塞克人;中国《史记》、《汉书》称之为塞种、尖帽塞人或萨迦人,是南俄草原上印欧语系东伊朗语族之游牧民族,其随居地从今日俄罗斯东部的欧洲部分一直到内蒙古和鄂尔多斯沙漠,是史载最早之游牧民族,善于养马,据信骑术与奶酪等皆出于其发明;公元前7世纪曾对高加索、小亚细亚、亚美尼亚、米底以及亚述帝国大举入侵,威胁西亚近七十年,其骑兵驰骋于卡帕多细亚到米底、高加索到叙利亚之间,寻找掠夺物;其后逐渐衰落,分为众多部落,公元四、五世纪民族大迁徙时随匈奴入侵欧洲之阿兰人即为其中之一部。有人说在咸海以北戴尖帽那支后来成为突厥阿史那部
The Scythians or Scyths (Greek: Σκύθης, Σκύθοι) were an Ancient Iranian people of horse-riding nomadic pastoralists who throughout Classical Antiquity dominated the Pontic-Caspian steppe, known at the time as Scythia. By Late Antiquity the closely-related Sarmatians came to dominate the Scyths in this area. Much of the surviving information about the Scyths comes from the Greek historian Herodotus (c. 440 BC) in his Histories, and archaeologically from the exquisite goldwork found in Scythian burial mounds in Ukraine and Southern Russia.
The name "Scythian" has also been used to refer to various peoples seen as similar to the Scythians, or who lived anywhere in a vast area covering present-day Ukraine, Russia and Central Asia—known until medieval times as Scythia.