现代中国 人物列表
刘半农 Liu Bannong(现代中国)顾城 Gu Cheng(现代中国)佚名 Yi Ming(现代中国)
郭沫若 Guo MoRuo(现代中国)周天游 Zhou Tianyou(现代中国)吴则虞 Wu Zeyu(现代中国)
赵超 Zhao Chao(现代中国)王觉溟 Wang Jiaoming(现代中国)梅毅 Mei Yi(现代中国)
樊树志 Fan Shuzhi(现代中国)柏杨 Bai Yang(现代中国)岳南 Yue Na(现代中国)
屈维英 Qu Weiying(现代中国)茅十七 Mao Shiqi(现代中国)蒋胜男 Jiang Shengnan(现代中国)
唐博 Tang Bo(现代中国)孙杰 Sun Jie(现代中国)许志龙 Xu Zhilong(现代中国)
向斯 Xiang Si(现代中国)张鸣 Zhang Ming(现代中国)河边 He Bian(现代中国)
落榜生5 La Bangsheng(现代中国)林语堂 Lin Yutang(现代中国)陈舜臣 Chin Shunshin(现代中国)
倪政兴 Ni Zhengxing(现代中国)王春瑜 Wang Chunyu(现代中国)子金山 Zi Jinshan(现代中国)
朱岩 Zhu Yan(现代中国)孙立群 Sun Liqun(现代中国)赵焰 Zhao Yan(现代中国)
牛贯杰 Niu Guanjie(现代中国)张研 Zhang Yan(现代中国)郭燕红 Guo Yangong(现代中国)
二月河 Eryuehe(现代中国)阎崇年 Yan Chongnian(现代中国)许华 Xu Hua(现代中国)
郑彭年 Zheng Pengnian(现代中国)盛和煜 Cheng Heyu(现代中国)司马路人 Sima Luren(现代中国)
张笑天 Zhang Xiaotian(现代中国)乔松都 Qiao Songdou(现代中国)王瑞人 Wang Ruiren(现代中国)
陈汝衡 Chen Ruheng(现代中国)平江不肖生 Ping Jiangbuxiaosheng(现代中国)陆士谔 Liu Shie(现代中国)
马叙伦 Ma Xulun(现代中国)刘绍棠 Liu Shaotang(现代中国)余嘉锡 Yu Jiaxi(现代中国)
刘凤舞 Liu Fengwu(现代中国)王旭川 Wang Xuchuan(现代中国)董荫孤 Dong Yingu(现代中国)
叶洪生 She Hongsheng(现代中国)周汝昌 Zhou Ruchang(现代中国)俞平伯 Yu Pingba(现代中国)
刘心武 Liu Xinwu(现代中国)蔡义江 Cai Yijiang(现代中国)贾平凹 Gu Pingao(现代中国)
周思源 Zhou Saiyuan(现代中国)张爱玲 Zhang Ailing(现代中国)闫红 Yan Gong(现代中国)
金庸 Louis Cha Leung-yung
现代中国  (1924年3月10日2018年10月30日)
名: 良镛
籍贯: 浙江海宁袁花镇

小说评论 Novel review《三十三剑客图》
作家评传 Author critical biography《金庸小传》
武侠 Martial Arts《鸳鸯刀》
《天龙八部 Tian Long Ba Bu》
《书剑恩仇录 The Book and The Sword》

阅读金庸 Louis Cha Leung-yung在小说之家的作品!!!
查良镛GBM ,OBE(英语:Louis Cha Leung-yung[注 1],1924年3月10日-2018年10月30日),笔名金庸,男,浙江海宁人,中国近现代最著名的文学家和社会活动家之一,香港四大才子之一,武侠小说泰斗,1948年起到终老,一直在香港生活。

金庸,本名查良镛(zhā liáng yōng,英:Louis Cha),1924年2月6日出生于浙江省海宁县。金庸是新武侠小说的代表作家之一,被普遍誉为武侠小说作家的“武林泰斗”,更有“金迷”们尊称其为“金大侠”或“查大侠”。


现为中国作家协会名誉副主席,《中华人民共和国香港特别行政区基本法》主要起草人之一、香港最高荣衔“大紫荆勋章” 获得者、华人作家首富。金庸著有“飞雪连天射白鹿,笑书神侠倚碧鸳”,14部脍炙人口的武侠小说。

金庸,男,生于中国 浙江省 海宁县 袁花镇。1929年5月入读家乡海宁县袁花镇小学,先就读于浙江省嘉兴市第一中学(嘉兴一中),为写讽刺训导主任的文章被开除,转学去了衢州。1942年自浙江省衢州中学毕业,1944年考入中央政治大学外交系,1946年赴上海东吴法学院修习国际法课程。


早年在香港 《大公报》、《新晚报》和长城电影公司任职。后创办香港《明报》、新加坡《新明日报》和马来西亚《新明日报》等,形成《明报》集团公司。查良镛先生五十年代中期起应报社之约,开始写作连载性的武侠小说。到七十年代初写完《鹿鼎记》而封笔,共完成了十五部。他曾用其中十四部书名的第一个字串在一起,编成“飞雪连天射白鹿,笑书神侠倚碧鸳”的对联。


自1985年至今,他还历任中华人民共和国 香港特别行政区基本法起草委员会委员、政治体制小组负责人之一,基本法咨询委员会执行委员会委员,以及中华人民共和国全国人民代表大会香港特别行政区筹备委员会委员。金庸于2000年荣获香港特别行政区颁授最高荣誉大紫荆勋章。





当年金庸与梁羽生订下武侠小说之约时,曾想过笔名的问题。后来决定把自己名字的“镛”字一分为二,成为“金庸”。这就成为了他的笔名。金庸先生也用过其他的笔名,例如用姚馥兰(英文“你的朋友[Your Friend]”音译)写影话,如用林欢这笔名写影话也写电影剧本,在读者中间也曾留下印象。但比起用金庸这笔名写武侠小说来,就远不如它的家喻户晓,妇孺皆知。











2006年,於12月完成剑桥大学硕士论文《初唐皇位继承制度》(The imperial succession in early Tang China)。




《秘曲 笑傲江湖》(全7巻、原名:笑傲江湖、监修:冈崎由美、译:小岛瑞纪)
The Book and the Sword(《书剑恩仇录》,全一册)牛津大学出版社,译:恩沙(Graham Earnshaw);监修:闵福德(John Minford)、Rachel May
The Deer and the Cauldron(《鹿鼎记》,3册))牛津大学出版社,译:闵福德(John Minford)
The Legend of the Condor Heroes(《射雕英雄传》)已停止
Fox Volant of the Snowy Mountain(《雪山飞狐》,全一册)香港中文大学出版社,译:莫锦屏(Olivia Mok)




1992,电视,香港无线,《中神通王重阳》 郑伊健饰王重阳,梁佩玲饰林朝英。
1993,电视,香港无线,《射雕英雄传之九阴真经》 姜大卫饰黄药师,梁佩玲饰冯蘅。



1996,电视,香港无线,吕颂贤饰令狐冲, 梁佩玲饰任盈盈,陈采岚饰岳灵珊。
1992,电视,台湾华视48集,导演鞠觉亮, 何家劲饰陈家洛,沈孟生饰乾隆,刘雪华饰霍青桐,傅娟饰香香公主,龙隆饰张召重,金玉岚饰洛冰,于佳卉饰李沅芷。


1977,电视,香港佳视,卫子云(胡一刀/胡斐) 白彪(苗人凤) 罗乐林(田归农) 马海伦(胡夫人) 文雪儿(程灵素) 米雪(袁紫衣) 李通明(苗若兰)
1986,电视,香港无线,吕良伟(胡一刀/胡斐) 谢贤(苗人凤) 曾江(田归农) 赵雅芝(马春花) 陈秀珠(苗夫人南兰) 戚美珍(胡夫人) 景黛音(程灵素) 周秀兰(袁紫衣) 曾华倩(苗若兰) 黄允材(福康安/陈家洛)
1991,电视,台湾,孟飞(胡一刀/胡斐) 龚慈恩(程灵素) 伍宇娟(袁紫衣/袁银姑/圆性) 林炜(福康安/陈家洛) 吕莹盈(马春花) 慕思成(苗人凤) 汤镇宗(田归农)
1998,电视,香港无线,黄日华(胡一刀) 陈锦鸿(胡斐) 佘诗曼(苗若兰) 张兆辉(田归农) 尹扬明(苗人凤) 魏骏杰(福安康/陈家洛) 滕丽明(袁紫衣+马春花-合成新角:聂桑青)
1977,电视,与雪山飞狐合成一剧,剧名仍作雪山飞狐,香港佳视,卫子云饰胡斐, 文雪儿饰程灵素。
1977,电视,香港佳视 陈强饰袁承志,文雪儿饰温青青,石天饰金蛇郎君,李通明饰阿九。

1985,电视,台湾华视,莫少聪 (石中玉 石破天)
1989,电视,香港无线,梁朝伟 (石中玉 石破天)

1986‧电视,丽的电视 李赛凤饰阿青,岳华饰范蠡。


自八十年代至今,金庸先后获得香港大学、香港理工大学、香港公开大学、加拿大英属哥伦比亚大学和日本创价大学授以博士学位,并获得香港大学、加拿大英属哥伦比亚大学、中国的北京大学、南开大学、苏州大学和台湾国立清华大学聘任为名誉教授,以及英国牛津大学圣安东尼学院、慕莲学院,英国剑桥大学 鲁宾森学院及李约瑟研究院、澳洲 墨尔本大学和新加坡 东亚研究所选为荣誉院士。

金庸现任浙江大学 人文学院院长、教授、博士生导师;英国牛津大学 汉学研究院高级研究员;加拿大英属哥伦比亚大学文学院兼任教授;香港明河集团有限公司主席。



金庸著述甚丰,迄今为止他已写下十五部长篇小说,分别为: 《书剑恩仇录》 、《碧血剑》、《射鵰英雄传》、《神鵰侠侣》、《雪山飞狐》、《飞狐外传》、《倚天屠龙记》、《连城诀》、《天龙八部》、《侠客行》、《笑傲江湖》、《鹿鼎记》、《鸳鸯刀》、《白马啸西风》、《越女剑》。其中若干部小说已译成英文、日文、法文、泰文、越文、马来文及朝鲜文等在海外出版发行。同时,这十五部作品均被改编为电视连续剧、广播剧和舞台剧等,陆续在世界各地上演。金庸于五十年代下半叶至六十年代初,还曾担任香港长城电影公司的编剧和导演,创作了十余部电影剧本,其中《绝代佳人》获中华人民共和国文化部金章奖。此外,金庸还为报刊杂志撰写大量的随笔、散文、电影短评和戏剧评论。




2010年9月,武侠小说名家金庸(查良镛)86岁考获英国剑桥大学博士,金庸的老师、剑桥汉学名誉教授麦大维(David McMullen)表示,金庸的博士论文研究唐代盛世时期,东宫太子继承皇位制度,由开国的唐高祖说到唐玄宗,不单生动刻划了古代太子的礼节、职责、继位仪式及东宫的影响力,更透过整合正史、野史,分析太子继位牵涉的宫廷政治及权力斗争。

人物 生卒 籍贯 擅长 代表作
金庸 1924---- 浙江海宁 武侠、时评 《飞狐外传》; 《倚天屠龙记》《神雕侠侣》;《射雕英雄传》
倪匡 1935--- 上海 侦探、武侠、言情 《六指琴魔》;卫斯理系列;浪子高达系列
黄霑 1941--2004 广州 写作、作词 《上海滩》;《铁血丹心》;《沧海一声笑》;《我的中国心》
蔡澜 1941-- 广东潮州 制片人、美食家、作家 《今夜不设防》;《忙里偷闲》;《附庸风雅》;《狂又何妨》

Louis Cha Leung-yung GBM OBE (Chinese查良鏞; 6 February 1924 – 30 October 2018), better known by his pen name Jin Yong (Chinese金庸), pronounced "Gum Yoong" in Cantonese, was a Chinese wuxia ("martial arts and chivalry") novelist and essayist who co-founded the Hong Kong daily newspaper Ming Pao in 1959 and served as its first editor-in-chief. He was Hong Kong's most famous writer.

His wuxia novels have a widespread following in Chinese communities worldwide. His 15 works written between 1955 and 1972 earned him a reputation as one of the greatest and most popular wuxia writers ever. By the time of his death he was the best-selling Chinese author, and over 100 million copies of his works have been sold worldwide (not including an unknown number of pirated copies). According to The Oxford Guide to Contemporary World Literature, Jin Yong's novels are considered to be of very high quality and are able to appeal to both highbrow and lowbrow tastes. His works have the unusual ability to transcend geographical and ideological barriers separating Chinese communities of the world, achieving a greater success than any other contemporary Hong Kong writer.

His works have been translated into many languages including English, French, Korean, Japanese, Vietnamese, Thai, Burmese, Malay and Indonesian. He has many fans outside of Chinese-speaking areas, as a result of the numerous adaptations of his works into films, television series, comics and video games.

The asteroid 10930 Jinyong (1998 CR2) is named after him.

Jin Yong is named along with Gu Long and Liang Yusheng as the "Three Legs of the Tripod of Wuxia".

Early life

Cha was born Zha Liangyong in HainingZhejiang in Republican China, the second of seven children. He hailed from the scholarly Zha clan of Haining (海寧查氏), whose members included notable literati of the late Ming and early Qing dynasties such as Zha Jizuo (1601–1676), Zha Shenxing (查慎行; 1650–1727) and Zha Siting (查嗣庭; died 1727). His grandfather, Zha Wenqing (查文清), obtained the position of a tong jinshi chushen (third class graduate) in the imperial examination during the Qing dynasty. His father, Zha Shuqing (查樞卿), was arrested and executed by the Communist government for allegedly being a counterrevolutionary during the Campaign to Suppress Counterrevolutionaries in the early 1950s. Zha Shuqing was later posthumously declared innocent in the 1980s.

Cha was an avid reader of literature from an early age, especially wuxia and classical fiction. He was once expelled from his high school for openly criticising the Nationalist government as autocratic. He studied at Jiaxing No. 1 Middle School in 1937 but was expelled in 1941. He continued his high school education at Quzhou No. 1 Secondary School and graduated in 1943.


Cha was admitted to the Department of Foreign Languages at the Central University of Political Affairs in Chongqing. Cha later dropped out of the school. He took the entrance exam and gained admission to the Faculty of Law at Soochow University, where he majored in international law with the intention of pursuing a career in the foreign service.

In 2005, Cha applied at Cambridge University for a doctorate in Asian Studies, which he obtained in 2010. In 2009, Cha applied for another doctorate in Chinese literature at Peking University, which he earned in 2013.


Cha was a journalist. When Cha was transferred to New Evening Post (of British Hong Kong) as Deputy Editor, he met Chen Wentong, who wrote his first wuxia novel under the pseudonym "Liang Yusheng" in 1953. Chen and Cha became good friends and it was under the former's influence that Cha began work on his first serialised martial arts novel, The Book and the Sword, in 1955. In 1957, while still working on wuxia serialisations, he quit his previous job and worked as a scenarist-director and scriptwriter at Great Wall Movie Enterprises Ltd and Phoenix Film Company.

In 1959, Cha co-founded the Hong Kong newspaper Ming Pao with his high school classmate Shen Baoxin (沈寶新). Cha served as its editor-in-chief for years, writing both serialised novels and editorials, amounting to some 10,000 Chinese characters per day. His novels also earned him a large readership. Cha completed his last wuxia novel in 1972, after which he officially retired from writing novels, and spent the remaining years of that decade editing and revising his literary works instead. The first complete definitive edition of his works appeared in 1979. In 1980, Cha wrote a postscript to Wu Gongzao's taiji classic Wu Jia Taijiquan, where he described influences from as far back as Laozi and Zhuangzi on contemporary Chinese martial arts.

By then, Cha's wuxia novels had gained great popularity in Chinese-speaking areas. All of his novels have since been adapted into films, TV shows and radio dramas in Hong Kong, Taiwan and China. The important characters in his novels are so well known to the public that they can be alluded to with ease between all three regions.

In the late 1970s, Cha was involved in Hong Kong politics. After Deng Xiaoping, a Jin Yong fan, came to power and initiated the reform and opening-up process, Cha became the first non-Communist Hong Konger to meet with Deng. He was a member of the Hong Kong Basic Law drafting committee but resigned in protest after the Tiananmen Square incident in 1989. He was also part of the Preparatory Committee set up in 1996 by the Chinese government to monitor the 1997 transfer of sovereignty.

In 1993, Cha prepared for retirement from editorial work and sold all his shares in Ming Pao.

Personal life

Cha's parents were Zha Shuqing (查樞卿) and Xu Lu (徐祿). He had four brothers and two sisters, and was the second oldest among the seven of them. His brothers were Zha Liangjian (查良鏗; 1916–1988), Zha Lianghao (查良浩; b. 1934), Zha Liangdong (查良棟fl. 1930s) and Zha Liangyu (查良鈺; b. 1936). His sisters were Zha Liangxiu (查良琇; b. 1926) and Zha Liangxuan (查良璇; 1928–2002).

Cha married three times. His first wife was Du Zhifen (杜治芬), whom he married in 1948 but divorced later. In 1953, he married his second wife, Zhu Mei (朱玫), a newspaper journalist. They had two sons and two daughters: Zha Chuanxia (查傳俠), Zha Chuanti (查傳倜), Zha Chuanshi (查傳詩) and Zha Chuanne (查傳訥). Cha divorced Zhu in 1976 and married his third wife, Lin Leyi (林樂怡; b. 1953), who was 29 years his junior and 16 years old when they married. In 1976, his son Zha Chuanxia, then 19 years old, committed suicide after a quarrel with his girlfriend while studying at Columbia University.


On 30 October 2018, Cha died after a long illness at the Hong Kong Sanatorium & Hospital in Happy Valley, Hong Kong, aged 94.

His funeral service was held privately at Hong Kong Funeral Home in Quarry Bay in 13 November 2018 with his family and friends, with well known figures including writers Ni KuangChua LamChip TsaoBenny Lee, producer Zhang Jizhong, actor Huang Xiaoming, former President of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University Poon Chung-kwong, image designer Tina Liu, politicians Tung Chee-hwa and Edward Leong, and founder of Alibaba Group Jack Ma among them in attendance.

At noon, his coffin was moved to Po Lin Monastery at Ngong PingLantau Island, where he was cremated and his ashes was interred at the Hoi Wui Tower’s columbarium.

Decorations and conferments

In addition to his wuxia novels, Cha also wrote many non-fiction works on Chinese history. For his achievements, he received many honours.

Cha was made an Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE) by the British government in 1981. He was made a Chevalier de la Légion d'Honneur (1992) and a Commandeur de l'Ordre des Arts et des Lettres (2004) by the French government.

Cha was also an honorary professor at Peking UniversityZhejiang UniversityNankai UniversitySoochow UniversityHuaqiao UniversityNational Tsing Hua UniversityHong Kong University (Department of Chinese Studies), the University of British Columbia, and Sichuan University. Cha was an honorary doctor at National Chengchi UniversityHong Kong University (Department of Social Science), Hong Kong Polytechnic University, the Open University of Hong Kong, the University of British Columbia, Soka University and the University of Cambridge. He was also an honorary fellow of St Antony's College, Oxford and Robinson College, Cambridge, and a Waynflete Fellow of Magdalen College, Oxford.

When receiving his honorary doctorate at the University of Cambridge in 2004, Cha expressed his wish to be a full-time student at Cambridge for four years to attain a non-honorary doctorate. In July 2010, Cha earned his Doctor of Philosophy in oriental studies (Chinese history) at St John's College, Cambridge with a thesis on imperial succession in the early Tang dynasty.


Cha wrote a total of 15 fictional works, of which one ("Sword of the Yue Maiden") is a short story and the other 14 are novels and novellas of varying lengths. Most of his novels were first published in daily instalments in newspapers, then later in book editions. The novels are:

English titleChinese title[T 1]Date of first publicationFirst published publicationCharacter count
The Book and the Sword書劍恩仇錄8 February 1955 – 5 September 1956New Evening Post513,000
Sword Stained with Royal Blood碧血劍1 January 1956 – 31 December 1956Hong Kong Commercial Daily488,000
The Legend of the Condor Heroes射鵰英雄傳1 January 1957 – 19 May 1959Hong Kong Commercial Daily918,000
Fox Volant of the Snowy Mountain雪山飛狐9 February 1959 – 18 June 1959New Evening Post130,000
The Return of the Condor Heroes神鵰俠侶20 May 1959 – 5 July 1961Ming Pao979,000
The Young Flying Fox飛狐外傳11 January 1960 – 6 April 1962Wuxia and History (武俠與歷史)439,000
White Horse Neighs in the Western Wind白馬嘯西風16 October 1961 – 10 January 1962Ming Pao67,000
Blade-dance of the Two Lovers鴛鴦刀1 May 1961 – 31 May 1961Ming Pao34,000
The Heavenly Sword and Dragon Saber倚天屠龍記6 July 1961 – 2 September 1963Ming Pao956,000
A Deadly Secret連城訣12 January 1964 – 28 February 1965Southeast Asia Weekly (東南亞周刊)229,000
Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils天龍八部3 September 1963 – 27 May 1966Ming Pao and Nanyang Siang Pau1,211,000
Ode to Gallantry俠客行11 June 1966 – 19 April 1967Ming Pao364,000
The Smiling, Proud Wanderer笑傲江湖20 April 1967 – 12 October 1969Ming Pao979,000
The Deer and the Cauldron鹿鼎記24 October 1969 – 23 September 1972Ming Pao1,230,000
Sword of the Yue Maiden越女劍1 January 1970 – 31 January 1970Ming Pao evening supplement16,000
Yue Yun月雲1 January 2000 – 31 January 2000Harvest Magazine>3,300
  1. ^ Click to sort in order of the first-character couplet "飛雪連天射白鹿 笑書神俠倚碧鴛".

Of these, the long novels The Legend of the Condor HeroesThe Return of the Condor Heroes and The Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber make up the Condor Trilogy (considered by many to be Cha's magnum opus) and should be read in that order. The novel Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils can also be somehow seen as a prequel story to the Condor Trilogy. The novella Fox Volant of the Snowy Mountain and its prequel novel The Young Flying Fox are companion works with the same protagonist, and numerous characters from The Book and the Sword appear in The Young Flying Fox. A few major characters from Sword Stained with Royal Blood also appear in Cha's final novel The Deer and the Cauldron as minor characters, and some characters and sects from The Smiling, Proud Wanderer are mentioned in Sword Stained with Royal Blood.


After Cha completed all his works, it was discovered that the first characters of the first 14 titles can be joined together to form a couplet with 7 characters on each line:

Traditional Chinese


Simplified Chinese


Loose translation

Shooting a white deer, snow flutters around the skies;
Smiling, [one] writes about the divine chivalrous one, leaning against bluish lovebirds (or lover)

Cha stated that he had never intended to create the couplet. The couplet serves primarily as a handy mnemonic to remember all of Cha's works for his fans.

  • "Sword of the Yue Maiden" was left out because it would be an odd number, thus the couplet would not be complete, also because the "Sword of the Yue Maiden" was so short it was not even considered a book.


Most of Cha's works were initially published in instalments in Hong Kong newspapers, most often in Ming PaoThe Return of the Condor Heroes was his first novel serialised in Ming Pao, launched on 20 May 1959. Between 1970 and 1980, Cha revised all of his works. The revised works of his stories are known as the "New Edition" (新版), also known as "Revised Edition" (修訂版), in contrast with the "Old Edition" (舊版), which refers to the original, serialised versions. Some characters and events were written out completely, most notably mystical elements and 'unnecessary' characters, such as the "Blood Red Bird" (小紅鳥) and "Qin Nanqin" (秦南琴), the mother of Yang Guo in the first edition.

In Taiwan, the situation is more complicated, as Cha's books were initially banned. As a result, there were multiple editions published underground, some of which were revised beyond recognition. Only in 1979 was Cha's complete collection published by Taiwan's Yuenching Publishing House (遠景出版社).

In China, the Wulin (武林) magazine in Guangzhou was the first to officially publish Cha's works, starting from 1980. Cha's complete collection in Simplified Chinese was published by Beijing's SDX Joint Publishing in 1994. Meanwhile, Mingheshe Singapore-Malaysia (明河社星马分公司) published his collection, in Simplified Chinese for Southeast Asian readers in 1995.

From 1999 to 2006, Cha revised his novels for the second and last time. Each of his works was carefully revised, re-edited and re-issued in the order in which he wrote them. This revision was completed in spring 2006, with the publication of the last novel, The Deer and the Cauldron. The newer revised edition, known variably as the "New Century Edition" (世紀新修版), "New Revised Edition" (新修版) and "New New Edition" (新新版), is noted for its annotations where Cha answers previous criticisms directed at the historical accuracy of his works. In the newer revision, certain characters' personae were changed, such as Wang Yuyan, and many martial art skills and places have their names changed. This edition faced a number of criticisms from Cha's fans, some of whom prefer the older storyline and names. The older 1970–80 "New Edition" (新版) is no longer issued by Cha's publisher Mingheshe (明河社). In mainland China, it is re-issued as "Langsheng, Old Edition" (朗声旧版) in simplified Chinese characters format.

Patriotism, jianghu and development of heroism

Statue of Cha on Taohua IslandZhejiang Province

Chinese nationalism or patriotism is a strong theme in Cha's works. In most of his works, Cha places emphasis on the idea of self-determination and identity, and many of his novels are set in time periods when China was occupied or under the threat of occupation by non-Han Chinese peoples such as the KhitansJurchensMongols and Manchus. However, Cha gradually evolved his Chinese nationalism into an inclusionist concept which encompasses all present-day non-Han Chinese minorities. Cha expresses a fierce admiration for positive traits of non-Han Chinese people personally, such as the Mongols and Manchus. In The Legend of the Condor Heroes, for example, he casts Genghis Khan and his sons as capable and intelligent military leaders against the corrupt and ineffective bureaucrats of the Han Chinese-led Song dynasty.

Cha's references range from traditional Chinese medicineacupuncturemartial artsmusiccalligraphyweiqitea culture, philosophical schools of thought such as ConfucianismBuddhism and Taoism and imperial Chinese history. Historical figures often intermingle with fictional ones, making it difficult for the layperson to distinguish which are real.

His works show a great amount of respect and approval for traditional Chinese values, especially Confucian ideals such as the proper relationship between ruler and subject, parent and child, elder sibling and younger sibling, and (particularly strongly, due to the wuxia nature of his novels), between master and apprentice, and among fellow apprentices. However, he also questions the validity of these values in the face of a modern society, such as ostracism experienced by his two main characters – Yang Guo's romantic relationship with his teacher Xiaolongnü in The Return of the Condor Heroes. Cha also places a great amount of emphasis on traditional values such as face and honour.

In all but his 14th work, The Deer and the Cauldron, the protagonists or heroes are explored meticulously through their relationships with their teachers, their immediate kin and relatives, and with their suitors or spouses. In each, the heroes have attained the zenith in martial arts and most would be the epitome or embodiment of the traditional Chinese values in words or deeds, i.e. virtuous, honourable, respectable, gentlemanly, responsible, patriotic, and so forth.

In The Deer and the Cauldron, Cha departed from his usual writing style, creating in its main protagonist Wei Xiaobao an antihero who is greedy, lazy, and utterly disdainful of traditional rules of propriety. Cha intentionally created an anticlimax and an antihero possessing none of the desirable traditional values and no knowledge of any form of martial arts, and dependent upon a protective vest made of alloy to absorb full-frontal attack when in trouble and a dagger that can cut through anything. Wei is a street urchin and womanising weasel, with no admirable qualities whatsoever.[citation needed] The fiction writer Ni Kuang wrote a connected[clarification needed] critique of all of Cha's works and concluded that Cha concluded his work with The Deer and the Cauldron as a satire to his earlier work and to restore a balanced perspective in readers.


The study of Cha's works has spun off a specific area of study and discussion: Jinology. For years, readers and critics have written works discussing, debating and analysing his fictional world of martial arts; among the most famous are those by Cha's close friend and science fiction novelist, Ni Kuang. Ni is a fan of Cha, and has written a series of criticisms analysing the various personalities and aspects of his books called I Read Jin Yong's Novels (我看金庸小說).

Despite Cha's popularity, some of his novels were banned outside of Hong Kong due to political reasons. A number of them were outlawed in the People's Republic of China in the 1970s as they were thought to be satires of Mao Zedong and the Cultural Revolution; others were banned in the Republic of China (Taiwan) as they were thought to be in support of the Communist Party of China. None of these bans are currently in force, and Cha's complete collection has been published multiple times in Mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan. Many politicians on both sides of the Straits are known to be readers of his works; Deng Xiaoping, for example, was a well-known reader himself.

In late 2004, the People's Education Publishing House (人民教育出版社) of the People's Republic of China sparked controversy by including an excerpt from Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils in a new senior high school Chinese textbook. While some praised the inclusion of popular literature, others feared that the violence and unrealistic martial arts described in Cha's works were unsuitable for high school students. At about the same time, Singapore's Ministry of Education announced a similar move for Chinese-learning students at secondary and junior college levels.


6th century BCEastern Zhou
(Spring and Autumn period)
Sword of the Yue Maiden
11th centuryNorthern SongDemi-Gods and Semi-Devils
13th centurySouthern SongThe Legend of the Condor Heroes
The Return of the Condor Heroes
14th centurySouthern Song/YuanThe Heaven Sword and the Dragon Saber
16th centuryMing(The Smiling, Proud Wanderer)
(Ode to Gallantry)
17th centuryLate Ming/QingWhite Horse Neighs in the Western Wind
Sword Stained With Royal Blood
The Deer and the Cauldron
(A Deadly Secret)
18th centuryQingBlade-dance of the Two Lovers
The Book and the Sword
The Young Flying Fox
Fox Volant of the Snowy Mountain
1930sThe Republic of China (1912–1949)Yue Yun (Moon Cloud)

Translations of Cha's works

Official English translations currently available include:

Other works available in English include:


There are over 90 films and TV shows adapted from Cha's wuxia novels, including King Hu's The Swordsman (1990) and its sequel Swordsman II (1992), Wong Jing's 1992 films Royal Tramp and Royal Tramp II, and Wong Kar-wai's Ashes of Time (1994). Dozens of role-playing video games are based on Cha's novels, a notable example of which is Heroes of Jin Yong, which was based on the major characters and events in Cha's novels.

As film director

Jin Yong co-directed 2 films produced by Hong Kong's Great Wall Movie Enterprises. In both films he is credited as Cha Jing-yong, his official name in Hong Kong.

YearEnglish titleChinese titleNotes
1958The Nature of Spring有女懷春Co-directed with Cheng Bugao, also writer
1960Bride Hunter王老虎搶親Co-directed with Woo Siu-fung, Yue opera film

See also


  1. ^ "'Cha Stone' unveiled"St John's College, Cambridge. 31 July 2012. Retrieved 7 April 2013.
  2. ^ "THE PRECEDENCE LIST OF THE HONG KONG SPECIAL ADMINISTRATIVE REGION" (PDF)Protocol Division Government Secretariat of Hong Kong. October 2018. Retrieved 17 October 2018.
  3. ^ Foong, Woei Wan (30 October 2018). "Obituary: Jin Yong fused martial arts fantasy, history and romance into must-read novels"The Straits Times. Retrieved 23 December 2018.
  4. Jump up to:a b c Sturrock, John (1997). The Oxford Guide to Contemporary World Literature. Oxford University Press. p. 99. ISBN 978-0-19-283318-1.
  5. ^ Jin Yong and Daisaku Ikeda (2013). Compassionate Light in Asia: A Dialogue. I.B. Tauris. ISBN 978-1848851986.
  6. ^ (in Chinese) 金庸与武侠影视 CCTV. 24 June 2004. Retrieved 4 August 2006.
  7. ^ Discovery Circumstances: Numbered Minor Planets (10001)-(15000) IAUMinor Planet Center 13 July 2006. Retrieved 4 August 2006.
  8. ^ Frisch, Nick (13 April 2018). "The Gripping Stories, and Political Allegories, of China's Best-Selling Author"The New Yorker – via www.newyorker.com.
  9. ^ Chen, Mo (2001). Shijue Jin Yong (視覺金庸) (in Chinese). Volume 1 (卷初). Taiwan: Yuan-Liou Publishing Company. ISBN 978-9573244653.
  10. ^ "金庸父亲查枢卿1950年被人民政府枪决内幕(图) [Behind the People's Government's execution of Jin Yong's father Zha Shuqing in 1950 (illustrated)]"wenxuecity.com (in Chinese). 18 October 2012. Retrieved 10 January 2018.
  11. ^ "Jin Yong and Quzhou"Zhejiang Quzhou No. 1 Middle School(in Chinese). 1 October 2004. Retrieved 9 August 2018.
  12. ^ Li, Wei. "Brief profile of Jin Yong"Jin Yong Inn (in Chinese). Archived from the original on 8 August 2007. Retrieved 22 August2018.
  13. ^ Wu, Kung-tsao (2006). Wu Family T'ai Chi Ch'uan (吳家太極拳). Chien-ch'uan T'ai-chi Ch'uan Association. ISBN 978-0-9780499-0-4.
  14. ^ Hamm, John Christopher (2006). Paper Swordsmen: Jin Yong And the Modern Chinese Martial Arts Novel. University of Hawaii Press. p. 198. ISBN 9780824828950.
  15. ^ "Novelist, newspaper founder and sage"Asiaweek. 24 September 1999. Archived from the original on 20 September 2001. Retrieved 22 November 2007.
  16. ^ "查良铿与金庸:"情比金坚"手足情 [The relationship between Jin Yong and Zha Liangjian is "stronger than metal"]"www.xzbu.com(in Chinese). 3 April 2014. Retrieved 27 May 2016.
  17. ^ "金庸大弟查良浩:代哥当上董事长 [Jin Yong's brother Zha Lianghao: Replacing his brother as Board Chairman]"hao1111.cn(in Chinese). 2014. Archived from the original on 6 August 2016. Retrieved 27 May 2016.
  18. ^ 金庸和他的两位母亲 生母是徐志摩堂姑妈
  19. ^ Pan, Zeping. "金庸兄弟的手足情 [The relationships between Jin Yong and his brothers]"shuku.net (in Chinese). Retrieved 27 May2016.
  20. ^ 金庸旧照上的印痕- 蒋连根(图)
  21. ^ "金庸和他的两个妹妹 [Jin Yong and his two younger sisters]"www.xzbu.com (in Chinese). 7 October 2012. Retrieved 27 May2016.
  22. ^ "中国最著名的十大老夫少妻【图】 [Ten Most Famous Old Husband Young Wife Couples in China (Illustrated)]"laonanren.com (in Chinese). 13 August 2010. Retrieved 27 May2016.
  23. ^ Swashbuckler Extraordinaire – A Profile of Jin Yong Archived7 November 2012 at the Wayback Machine. Taiwan Panorama. 1998. Retrieved 10 January 2010
  24. ^ "揭"大侠"金庸4子女:长子查传侠19岁时为情自缢 [Jin Yong's four children: Eldest son Zha Chuanxia hanged himself at the age of 19 due to relationship problems]"culture.ifeng.com (in Chinese). 1 April 2014. Retrieved 27 May 2016.
  25. ^ "Famed Chinese martial arts novelist Jin Yong dies aged 94: Hong Kong media"The Straits Times. 30 October 2018. Retrieved 30 October 2018.
  26. ^ "Friends and family pay final respects to literary giant Louis Cha"South China Morning Post. Retrieved 15 November 2018.
  27. ^ "Jin Yong's body cremated after private ceremony - RTHK". Retrieved 15 November 2018.
  28. ^ "Louis Cha 'Jin Yong', the man who united Chinese in the name of chivalry". SCMP. 31 October 2018. Retrieved 1 November 2018.
  29. ^ Louis Cha Awarded French Honor of Arts Xinhua News Agency. 14 October 2004. Retrieved 4 August 2006.
  30. ^ Octogenarian novelist wants to be student Shenzhen Daily. 23 June 2004. Retrieved 4 August 2006.
  31. ^ 以盛唐皇位制度作论文 金大侠考获剑大博士学位 2010-09-12,
  32. ^ Louis, Cha (14 April 2018). "The imperial succession in Tang China, 618-762". University of Cambridge.
  33. Jump up to:a b The dates conform to the data published in 陳鎮輝,《武俠小說逍遙談》, 2000, 匯智出版有限公司, pp. 56–58; 創意寫作系列:書寫香港@文學故事, 2008, Hong Kong Educational Publishing Company, p. 169; and the website 世上所有的正版金庸小说清单, authorised by the author
  34. ^ While Wang Yuyan accompanied Duan Yu back to Dali in older revisions, in the new revision she refused and stayed to serve Murong Fu instead. See Chapter 50 of Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils.
  35. ^ See 金庸小说.
  36. ^ (in Chinese) 金庸小说也走进本地教材 Lianhe Zaobao. 4 March 2005. Retrieved 4 August 2006.
  37. ^ A Hero Born, retrieved 7 January 2019
  38. ^ Thorpe, Vanessa (26 November 2017). "A hero reborn: 'China's Tolkien' aims to conquer western readers"The Guardian. Retrieved 26 November 2017.

Further reading

  • Stateless Subjects: Chinese Martial Arts Literature and Postcolonial History, Chapters 3 and 4. Petrus Liu. (Cornell University, 2011).

External links


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