1600nián   庚子鼠  
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Wiki: 虞美人(春花秋月何时了) : 词篇名。五代南唐李煜作。当时作者被俘住在汴梁(今河南开封)。篇中抒发故国之思和俘囚生涯的苦恨,感慨人生有尽而愁苦无

Personnel: 虞美人 Yu Meiren     
Poem Patterns and Rhymes: (1)本调五十六字,八句,前后片各两仄韵,两平韵。 (2)第四句九字,以一气呵成为佳,语气可于二字、四字或六字处作逗,视具体情况而定。
Poem: (1)本调五十六字,八句,前后片各两仄韵,两平韵。 (2)第四句九字,以一气呵成为佳,语气可于二字、四字或六字处作逗,视具体情况而定。虞美人
Poet:李煜 Li Yu

  When will there be no more moon and spring flowers
  For me who had so many memorable hours?
  My attic which last night in vernal wind did stand
  Reminds cruelly of the lost moonlit land.
  Carved balustrades and marble steps must still be there,
  But rosy faces cannot be as fair.
  If you ask me how much my sorrow has increased,
  Just see the overbrimming river flowing east!

Chinese English: (1)本调五十六字,八句,前后片各两仄韵,两平韵。 (2)第四句九字,以一气呵成为佳,语气可于二字、四字或六字处作逗,视具体情况而定。虞美人
Poet:李煜 Li Yu

  When will there be no more moon and spring flowers
  For me who had so many memorable hours?
  My attic which last night in vernal wind did stand
  Reminds cruelly of the lost moonlit land.
  Carved balustrades and marble steps must still be there,
  But rosy faces cannot be as fair.
  If you ask me how much my sorrow has increased,
  Just see the overbrimming river flowing east!
  • the field [red] poppy
  • corn poppy
    Chinese French: (1)本调五十六字,八句,前后片各两仄韵,两平韵。 (2)第四句九字,以一气呵成为佳,语气可于二字、四字或六字处作逗,视具体情况而定。虞美人
    Poet:李煜 Li Yu

      When will there be no more moon and spring flowers
      For me who had so many memorable hours?
      My attic which last night in vernal wind did stand
      Reminds cruelly of the lost moonlit land.
      Carved balustrades and marble steps must still be there,
      But rosy faces cannot be as fair.
      If you ask me how much my sorrow has increased,
      Just see the overbrimming river flowing east!
  • the field [red] poppy
  • corn poppy
  • coquelicot
  • běn >> jiāng shí dài(1596nián1868nián)

    hòu shuǐ wěi tiān huáng  qìng cháng 五年 (1596niánshíèryuè16rì1615niánjiǔyuè5rì)
    qìng cháng shì běn nián hàojiē zài wén zhī hòuyuán zhī qián gōng yuán 1596 nián dào 1615 nián wéi zhǐ zhī jiānzhè shí dài de tiān huáng shì hòu yáng chéng tiān huánghòu shuǐ wěi tiān huángjiāng de jiāng jūn shì chuān jiā kāng chuān xiù zhōng
    wén 5 nián 10 yuè 27 gōng 1596 nián 12 yuè 16 ), zāinàn xiàng pín shēng gǎi yuán
    qìng cháng 20 nián 7 yuè 13 gōng 1615 nián 9 yuè 5 ), gǎi yuán zuò yuán

    1600年qìng cháng nián
    6 yuè 16 ( 7 yuè 17 ): chuān jiā kāng xià yuǎn zhēng huì jīnjiā kāng zài gāi tiān yóu bǎn chéng chū
    9 yuè 15 ( 10 yuè 21 ): dōng liǎng jūn zài guān yuán jìn zhōngzhǎn kāi liǎo guān yuán zhī zhàn chuān jiā kāng shuài lǐng de dōng jūn zài tiān nèi shèng
    běn >> zhàn guó shí dài(1464nián1615nián)

    zhèng qīn dīng tiān huáng   四十四年 (1557nián1586nián)
    zhèng qīn dīng tiān huáng( 1517 nián 6 yuè 18 1593 nián 2 yuè 6 ), hòu nài liáng tiān huáng 'èr huáng huì fāng rén qīn shì wàn xiǎo xián fáng zhī wàn xiǎo róng 。 1533 nián qīn wáng xuān xià。 1557 niányīn wéi hòu nài liáng tiān huáng guò shì 'ér wèidàn shì yīn wéi huáng shì jīng shí zài duān kuì yīn zhí dào máo yuán jiù děng rén juān chū qián cáitiān huáng cái zài 1560 nián miǎnqiǎng xíng wèi shì。 ...chákàn
    běn >> ān táo shān shí dài(1568nián1611nián)

    hòu yáng chéng tiān huáng   十五年 (1586nián1611nián)
    hòu yáng chéng tiān huáng( 1571 nián 12 yuè 31 - 1617 nián 9 yuè 25 ), zhèng qīn dīng tiān huáng zhī chéng rén qīn wángyáng guāng yuàn tài shàng tiān huáng huáng qīn wéi quàn xiū qíng yòu zhī quàn xiū qíng xīn shàng dōng mén yuàn)。 ...chákàn

    shì jiè >> gōng yuán(qián4000000niánxiànjīn)

    gōng yuányòu chēng yuánshì gōng yuán huò yuánde jiǎn chēng dāng shí rèn dìng de shēng niánzhōng guó hàn yuán shǐ yuán niánwéi yuán yuán nián yuán nián zǎo xiān zài 'ōu zhōu děng jiào guó jiā cǎi yòngxiàn zài chéng wéi guó tōng xíng de nián biāo zhǔn。 ...chákàn

    jūnzhù: chá shì  
    shīrén: 11   chákàn
    jūnzhù: 21   chákàn
    zuòzhě: 45   chákàn
    kēxuégū: 1   chákàn
    jiàngguān: 2   chákàn