解釋: 指牽牛星、織女星。亦指古代神話中的牛郎、織女。 “牵牛”即牵牛星,又叫牛郎星,是夏秋夜空中最亮的星,在银河东。 “织女”即织女星,在银河西,与牵牛星相对。 《古诗十九首》:“迢迢牵牛星牽牛織女 lead an ox Vega 詩人:杜甫 Du Fu 牽牛出河西,織女處其東。萬古永相望,七夕誰見同。 神光意難候,此事終蒙朧。颯然精靈合,何必秋遂通。 亭亭新妝立,竜駕具曾空。世人亦為爾,祈請走兒童。 稱傢隨豐儉,白屋達公宮。膳夫翊堂殿,鳴玉凄房櫳。 曝衣遍天下,曳月揚微風。蛛絲小人態,麯綴瓜果中。 初筵裛重露,日出甘所終。嗟汝未嫁女,秉心鬱忡忡。 防身動如律,竭力機杼中。雖無姑舅事,敢昧織作功。 明明君臣契,咫尺或未容。義無棄禮法,恩始夫婦恭。 小大有佳期,戒之在至公。方圓苟齟齬,丈夫多英雄。 Cows out west, Weaver at the East. Vanguard Wing River, Tanabata who see the same. SG Italy difficult climate, hazy end of the matter. Soughing Wizard together, He Biqiu then pass. Kingston new makeup _set_, a long drive was empty. Seoul is also the world, take the children prayer. Feng Jian said the house with the white houses of the public house. Shan Fu Yi Tong Temple, Ming Yu desolate housing cage. Exposed clothing all over the world, drag on Jan breeze. Silk villain state, decorated fruits in the song. Heavy early feast Yi Lu, by the end of the sunrise Gan. Sigh Ru unmarried women, Bing Xinyu becoming quite. Self-defense action, such as law, in trying loom. Although there is no cross-cousin thing, am ignorant of the organization for success. Clearly monarch lease, or right close tolerance. Justice without abandoning etiquette, grace before his wife Christine. Small great wedding day, beware of catholic. Gou radius of discord, the husband more than a hero. 漢英: 拼音: qiān niú zhī nǚ 英文: Cows Weaver
解釋: 指牽牛星、織女星。亦指古代神話中的牛郎、織女。 “牵牛”即牵牛星,又叫牛郎星,是夏秋夜空中最亮的星,在银河东。 “织女”即织女星,在银河西,与牵牛星相对。 《古诗十九首》:“迢迢牵牛星牽牛織女 lead an ox Vega 詩人:杜甫 Du Fu 牽牛出河西,織女處其東。萬古永相望,七夕誰見同。 神光意難候,此事終蒙朧。颯然精靈合,何必秋遂通。 亭亭新妝立,竜駕具曾空。世人亦為爾,祈請走兒童。 稱傢隨豐儉,白屋達公宮。膳夫翊堂殿,鳴玉凄房櫳。 曝衣遍天下,曳月揚微風。蛛絲小人態,麯綴瓜果中。 初筵裛重露,日出甘所終。嗟汝未嫁女,秉心鬱忡忡。 防身動如律,竭力機杼中。雖無姑舅事,敢昧織作功。 明明君臣契,咫尺或未容。義無棄禮法,恩始夫婦恭。 小大有佳期,戒之在至公。方圓苟齟齬,丈夫多英雄。 Cows out west, Weaver at the East. Vanguard Wing River, Tanabata who see the same. SG Italy difficult climate, hazy end of the matter. Soughing Wizard together, He Biqiu then pass. Kingston new makeup _set_, a long drive was empty. Seoul is also the world, take the children prayer. Feng Jian said the house with the white houses of the public house. Shan Fu Yi Tong Temple, Ming Yu desolate housing cage. Exposed clothing all over the world, drag on Jan breeze. Silk villain state, decorated fruits in the song. Heavy early feast Yi Lu, by the end of the sunrise Gan. Sigh Ru unmarried women, Bing Xinyu becoming quite. Self-defense action, such as law, in trying loom. Although there is no cross-cousin thing, am ignorant of the organization for success. Clearly monarch lease, or right close tolerance. Justice without abandoning etiquette, grace before his wife Christine. Small great wedding day, beware of catholic. Gou radius of discord, the husband more than a hero.