感秋咏意 Feeling fall Ode to Italy
老病幽独,偶吟所怀 Old and sick Solitary Even Yin the ideas in one's mind
和杨尚书罢相后夏日游永安水亭兼招本曹杨侍郎同行 and Yang shangshu Baxiang rear Summertime Yu Wing Shuitingjianzhao the Caoyang Assistant minister colleague
在家出家 to practice abstinence like a Buddhist monk (said of laymen)
夜凉 Cool night
继之尚书自余病来寄遗非一又蒙览醉吟先生…酬谢 Followed Shang shu Since I left sick to send in one of grace and browse Drunk yin baas thank sb.with a gift
五年秋病后独宿香山寺三绝句 Pentad autumn Be out and about Independent accommodation Xiangshan temple Three quatrains
题香山新经堂招僧 inscribe Fragrance hill (a park in beijing) The new move by the Church Monk
偶题邓公(公即给事中珽之子也,饥穷老病,退居此村) Outidenggonggongjigeishizhongtingzhiziyejiqionglaobingtuijuci Village
早入皇城赠王留守仆射 Early entry Imperial city Gift king Stay behind for garrison or liaison duty Pushe
寄题庐山旧草堂,兼呈二林寺道侣 Send a question Lushan mountain old Thatched cottage And was the second Monastery Companion
改业 change one's trade
山下留别佛光和尚 Yamashita Give souvenir on parting Buddha bonze
山中五绝句。岭上云 In the mountains Poem of four lines having five characters to each line Sentence boulders and clouds
山中五绝句。林下樗 In the mountains five quatrains Retirement Ailanthus glandulosa or A. altissima, a kind of tree useless as timber
山中五绝句。洞中蝙蝠 In the mountains five quatrains Cave bat
自戏三绝句。身报心 Since the show three quatrains Heart Body Report
会昌元年春五绝句。病后喜过刘家 Huichang The first year of a reign life Poem of four lines having five characters to each line sentence Be out and about Xi Guo Liu
会昌元年春五绝句。赠举之仆射 Huichang the first year of a reign spring 5 quatrains Give gifts of Pushe
会昌元年春五绝句。卢尹贺梦得会中作 Huichang the first year of a reign spring 5 quatrains Lu Yin He may be in for a dream
古诗 ancient style poetry
炎凉迁次速如飞,又脱生衣著熟衣。绕壁暗蛩无限思, 恋巢寒燕未能归。须知流辈年年失,莫叹衰容日日非。 旧语相传聊自慰,世间七十老人稀。
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