唐代 白居易 Bai Juyi  唐代   (772~846)
会昌元年春五绝句。题朗之槐亭 Huichang the first year of a reign spring 5 quatrains Long title of Huai-Ting
会昌元年春五绝句。劝梦得酒 Huichang the first year of a reign spring 5 quatrains Dream was to persuade wine
过裴令公宅二绝句 Guo Pei made public house 2 Quatrains
百日假满,少傅官停,自喜言怀 A hundred-day celebration leave full Shaofu Guanting Hug Yan Wai
早热 Early heat
题崔少尹上林坊新居 Fang Cui Shao Yin Shanglin title new home
对酒有怀寄李十九郎中 On wine Huai send (a surname) Nineteen physician trained in herb medicine
杨六尚书频寄新诗诗中多有思闲相就之志…报而谕之 Yang 6 Shang shu Send poetry poetry and more frequent leisure are thinking with the ambition of the report implicitly
偶吟自慰兼呈梦得(予与梦得甲子同,今俱七十) Even yin Console oneself And was a dream and dreams may be too A cycle of sixty years With this club three score and ten, ie 70
寄潮州杨继之 Send Chaozhou Ji-s
雪暮偶与梦得同致仕裴宾客王尚书饮 Snow evening was the same even with the dream Resign (surname) Guest amir Shang shu drink
雪朝乘兴欲诣李司徒留守,先以五韵戏之 Korean snow While one is in high spirits For Yi Li Sze-to Stay behind for garrison or liaison duty The first game of a five-Yun
赠思黯 Dark gift ideas
听歌六绝句。听都子歌 Songs hexad Quatrains Tin All sub- cantus
听歌六绝句。乐世(一名六么) Songs hexad quatrains Music World Auditor 6 Why
闲乐 Busy music
立秋夕凉风忽至炎暑稍消即事咏怀寄汴州…尚书 Establish qiu xi Cool wind Huzhi Hot summer Shaoxiao That matter, Sing of one's feelings Jibianzhou Shang Shu
开成二年夏闻新蝉赠梦得 Open into the two new summer cicada news Gift dreams too
题牛相公归仁里宅新成小滩 Question cattle xianggongzhuang Gui ren Village house Neoformation Little Beach
古诗 ancient style poetry



【资料来源】 卷458_70
