Along the shady place and play any children. Huai-yin sit under the cardigan to the breeze. Retting water, the sun drying dates in Japan. He figures commensurate actually Tianshe Weng. 每来政事堂中宿,共忆华阳观里时。日暮独归愁米尽, 泥深同出借驴骑。交游今日唯残我,富贵当年更有谁。 彼此相看头雪白,一杯可合重推辞。 Brushed reorganization Yijin bed, a bottle of Autumn Incense. Regardless of trouble to be first to go, Also to be forgotten until the Bodhi. Ye Pei toward canonical signed a long stop, stop waste getting Banquet pot springs. Useless last days at the world, just sitting together Happy temple. 历想为官日,无如刺史时。欢娱接宾客,饱暖及妻儿。 自到东都后,安闲更得宜。分司胜刺史,致仕胜分司。 何况园林下,欣然得朗之。仰名同旧识,为乐即新知。 有雪先相访,无花不作期。斗醲干酿酒,夸妙细吟诗。 里巷千来往,都门五别离。岐分两回首,书到一开眉。 叶落槐亭院,冰生竹阁池。雀罗谁问讯,鹤氅罢追随。 身与心俱病,容将力共衰。老来多健忘,唯不忘相思。 Shi Ming Yi Zhi Shi is a break from non-Fugui body to body. But the fear of human is stripped of their possessions, As for the adherents of the understory. Tour by two compartment into three friends, live near two-Lin as neighbors. Siena stagnant water level of small waves, heart and sweep the Net clean. Xiangshan busy places a thousand nights, Zi Yu Chak sixteen spring. Is off all old friends meet, no monks do not see the hospitality of each. Pregnant drug stopped off disease free, gold do worry drunk forget poverty. Zhan Kui clothes make his wife and daughter Wine and meat pro-Lai to pay support. With the days in the pension surplus money consistently, year after year supporting Su Lu full granary. Los weir for taking fish and shellfish feet, travel feeder Issue in the village fruit ripening. Verse transfer one thousand people and, Life has taught seventy days. What life Jiaoxing point inspection, the East is, no one except me. Juventa deduction households drunk chirping, feel Tingbei welcome back slipper. Poems were mad with wine, put addiction, and the king is not a family. Italian poetic love letters the two hospitality, from days of the South miasma waterfront. Also see Yingou early to say this, James Yin Qiongshen For small towel. Fung Chi isolated from three thousand miles, fifteen Chun Ming Shen cochlear homes. Only months Xinchang hometown, has divided according to two local people. Ikegami Pingqiao Bridge Pavilion, late at night to sleep on the bridge line. Yin weight to the old bald places, five years ago next month old. 暖床斜卧日曛腰,一觉闲眠百病销。 尽日一餐茶两碗,更无所要到明朝。 A spring ten million trees, the soft and tender in gold on silk. WF West Point garden waste and do at no one who is a Ah. Committee of the soil of a tree fade, glory-branch plant heaven. Be known as the spring after Xuan, Liu Su light of two stars Tim. 斋戒坐三旬,笙歌发四邻。月明停酒夜,眼暗看花人。 赖学空为观,深知念是尘。犹思闲语笑,未忘旧交亲。 久作龙门主,多为兔苑宾。水嬉歌尽日,雪宴烛通晨。 事事皆过分,时时自问身。风光抛得也,七十四年春。 双金百炼少人知,纵我知君徒尔为。望梅阁老无妨渴, 画饼尚书不救饥。白日回头看又晚,青云举足蹑何迟。 壮年可惜虚销掷,遣把闲杯吟咏诗。 Seven five hundred and seventy-year-old, dragged down white beard purple Yu Zhu. Mo up_set_ the hands of non-payment, Respect in the wine and pleasure. God has two poetry Yin Wang, wine to drink three glasses of gas is still thick. Wei Mindanao Poets teach slave girl shot, whirling Zuiwu removal Sun Fu. Over two days of high-Shu Fu, Outnumber Sihao map. Apart from the three mountains five Tianzhu, world this would be no more. 得老加年诚可喜,当春对酒亦宜欢。 心中别有欢喜事,开得龙门八节滩。 眼暗头旋耳重听,唯馀心口尚醒醒。 今朝欢喜缘何事,礼彻佛名百部经。 Homebound less canopy cover, basket for cooked rice scoop alley deep. Lattice window opening, said home, home garden within their means. Kim thin body are accustomed to, camps force is not any. Pound cooked lean meat, and warm double quilt lying. Tao Qian Zun have wine, bag of gold without Falluja. Mo too poor to manual labor, more or Auntie. Mock my wasted youth, listen to me mad Weng a song. Rong start Natori, though small, Was also concerned about something more stable. Old stick horse back ashamed forage, high-Yi Lo Hei Guihong off. Officer to the pension money to heaven and life, some of these sick Chennai Wuhe. 巧者焦劳智者愁,愚翁何喜复何忧。莫嫌山木无人用, 大胜笼禽不自由。网外老鸡因断尾,盘中鲜鲙为吞钩。 谁人会我心中事,冷笑时时一掉头。 Look for your free double letter, who drink with the same music. Unfortunately, customs and effort, throwing five years in Guizhou. Election paved a new path, Onkyo pressure ancient embankment. Like from the Milky Way, the drop-Pong Yu-western Sichuan. Video fixed railings down, Qi Chinese table elevation. See smoke Open Hong half, two-month cold crane habitat. Materials reflect Kuilong small, low power too Yuankai. Ease save the world, the remaining force, and Qian Li. Less rain fall off depression, and more doors to cool off day. Gold is selling nearly restrain llamas, Luoxiu switchgrass also find place. Books to find chat get a little sleep, glass light to rough Kaiyan. Stunning eyes closed at night to see on the foot is not weight up the mountain by the spring. Noise at the quiet calm the mind anyway, Forget the dream machine and feel free. Non-stop to make love off evil, only to send Kongshen in the world. 蟋蟀暮啾啾,光阴不少留。松檐半夜雨,风幌满床秋。 曙早灯犹在,凉初簟未收。新晴好天气,谁伴老人游。 Stable low pillow was warm, the sunshine did not open the door off. The smell of spring a young man, and always to dream to temporarily. 面黑头雪白,自嫌还自怜。毛龟蓍下老,蝙蝠鼠中仙。 名籍同逋客,衣装类古贤。裘轻被白氎,靴暖蹋乌毡。 周易休开卦,陶琴不上弦。任从人弃掷,自与我周旋。 铁马因疲退,铅刀以钝全。行开第八秩,可谓尽天年。 |