唐代 白居易 Bai Juyi  唐代   (772~846)
湖上醉中代诸妓寄严郎中 Drunk in the lake on behalf of all prostitutes Send Yan physician trained in herb medicine
自咏 Since Wing
晚兴 Late Xing
早兴 Fortune
湖上招客送春泛舟 Strokes off the lake Chun sent go boating
戏醉客 drama Zui Ke
紫阳花 Hydrangea
郡斋旬假始命宴呈座客示郡寮(自此后在苏州作) County, began life in late dinner was false zuo ke liu said the county self Thereafter at Suzhou (city) work
题西亭 inscribe West Pavilion
郡中西园 Counties West Park Garden
北亭卧 North Pavilion lying
一叶落 1 leaves were gone
崔湖州赠红石琴荐焕如锦文,无以答之,以诗酬谢 (surname) Huzhou Qin Jian Huan Redstone gifts such as Kam Man Endless Answer them with poetry thank sb.with a gift
九日宴集,醉题郡楼,兼呈周、殷二判官 The ninth day of the ninth noon, a festival on the lunar calendar Feast Drunken title County Building and Chengzhouyiner official
同微之赠别郭虚舟炼师五十韵 Tongweizhi Parting words outer city wall Virtual boat Refining division The number 50 *50 Rhyme
霓裳羽衣歌(和微之) Seduction Plume The song and the micro-
小童薛阳陶吹觱栗歌(和浙西李大夫作) Boy yang tao li xue song blown fever Hezhexi (a surname) doctor work
题灵岩寺(寺即吴馆娃宫,鸣屟廊砚池采香径遗迹在焉) Question Lingyansi that Miss Temple Guan wagong Ming wooden shoe gallery Conave inkstone Hong Trail Mining Remnant In Yan
双石 Double Stone
宿东亭晓兴 Xiao Xing Su dongting
日渐长,赠周、殷二判官 With each passing day Changzengzhouyan 2 official
花前叹 Flowers ago sigh
古诗 ancient style poetry



【资料来源】 卷443_89
