唐代 白居易 Bai Juyi  唐代   (772~846)
答微之咏怀见寄 A micro-s Sing of one's feelings See Send
酬微之夸镜湖 The micro-pay Kwame Mirror Lake
雪中即事答微之 Snow That matter A micro-s
醉封诗筒寄微之 Zuifengshitong Send a micro s
除夜寄微之 watch night Send a micro s
苏州李中丞以元日郡斋感怀诗寄微之及予辄依…兼呈微之 Suzhou (city) Li zhong Cheng to Mongol county, Recall with emotion poem Send a micro s And I to frequently and was according to the micro-
早春西湖闲游怅然兴怀忆与微之同赏…偶成十八韵寄微之 disappointed encourage Huai-yi And the micro of the same reward Even as The number 18 charm Send a micro s
答微之见寄(时在郡楼对雪) A micro-s See Send Ice House when the county
祭社宵兴灯前偶作 Ji Xing social night lights Even for
闲卧 lounge
新春江次 The 10 or 20 days following lunar new year's day Jiang times
春题湖上 Spring Lake title
早春忆微之 (early)spring Recalling the micro-
失鹤 Crane lost
自感 self induction
得湖州崔十八使君书喜与杭越邻郡因成长句代贺兼寄微之 gain Huzhou (surname) The number 18 Honorific fitle of civil governor of a province in ancient china Joy and book Hang yue O County because Burgeon Judaihejian Send a micro s
同诸客携酒早看樱桃花 Look back with all passengers Xiejiu cherry blossom
柳絮 willow catkin
早饮湖州酒,寄崔使君 Early drinking Huzhou Send Cui wine honorific fitle of civil governor of a province in ancient China
病中书事 Disease Book thing
与微之唱和来去常以竹筒贮诗陈协律美而成篇因以此答 And micro s Antiphon Come and go Often Bamboo canister Store beauty poetry Chen Law Society A chapter mourn for For this reason answer
醉戏诸妓 Zuixizhuji
北院 North Court
古诗 ancient style poetry



【资料来源】 卷446_10
