唐代 白居易 Bai Juyi  唐代   (772~846)
耳顺吟,寄敦诗、梦得 Sixty years of age Poetry London Poetry dream may send
别毡帐火炉 allo- Yurt burner
六年春赠分司东都诸公(时为河南尹) Six spring gifts Sub-division east have When gentlemen Henan province Yi
九日代罗、樊二妓招舒著作(齐梁格) The ninth day of the ninth noon, a festival on the lunar calendar On behalf of the Luo Shu Fan 2 prostitutes trick Classic Qi Liang grid
忆旧游(寄刘苏州) Recall formerly-visited place Send Liu Suzhou (city)
答崔宾客晦叔十二月四日见寄(来篇云共相呼唤醉归来) A Choi Guest Dark-tert- Dec four With each passing day Cloud sent articles Total phase Call drunk return
赠韦处士,六年夏大热旱 Wei gifts Department disabilities Six hot dry summer
和微之诗二十三首。和晨霞(此后在上都作) And micro-Poem Score 3 and Chen xia Thereafter Aloft Are as
和微之诗二十三首。和送刘道士游天台 And micro-poem score 3 And sent Liu Taoist Tour roof
和微之诗二十三首。和栉沐寄道友 And micro-poem score 3 and Wash and dress lodge at Addicts
和微之诗二十三首。和祝苍华 And micro-poem score 3 And Hua Cang Zhu
和微之诗二十三首。和我年三首 And micro-poem score 3 And my three years
和微之诗二十三首。和寄乐天 And micro-poem score 3 and lodge at happy-go-lucky
和微之诗二十三首。和寄问刘、白 And micro-poem score 3 And Send a Q Liu Bai
和微之诗二十三首。和新楼北园偶集从孙公度…皆先归 And micro-poem score 3 And new buildings North park garden Dual _set_ Grandsons of one's brothers Commensurability Were first normalized
和微之诗二十三首。和除夜作 And micro-poem score 3 and apart from night work
和微之诗二十三首。和知非 And micro-poem score 3 And knowledge of non-
和微之诗二十三首。和望晓 And micro-poem score 3 And Wang Xiao
和微之诗二十三首。和李势女 And micro-poem score 3 and Li shi woman
和微之诗二十三首。和酬郑侍御东阳春闷放怀追越游见寄 And micro-poem score 3 And pay Zheng Shiyu Dongyang Spring bored Put pregnant You see the Send Overtaking
和微之诗二十三首。和自劝二首 And micro-poem score 3 And self-advised 2
和微之诗二十三首。和雨中花 And micro-poem score 3 And rain flower
古诗 ancient style poetry



【资料来源】 卷444_41
