唐代 白居易 Bai Juyi  唐代   (772~846)
种白莲 species White Lotus
答苏庶子 A Su illegitimate
答尉迟少监水阁重宴 answer Yu-chi Chien Waterside pavilion Important feast
和刘郎中伤鄂姬 And Liu Physician trained in herb medicine E Ji injury
早春同刘郎中寄宣武令狐相公 (early)spring With Liu Physician trained in herb medicine Send Xuanwu Linghu Xianggongzhuang
寄太原李相公 lodge at Taiyuan city Li Xiang Gong
出使在途所骑马死改乘肩舆将归长安偶咏…寄太原李相公 Serve as an envoy abroad Under way Institute Riding Death changed By shoulder Public opinion would go to Chang'an Dual Wing lodge at Taiyuan city Li Xiang Gong
有双鹤留在洛中忽见刘郎中依然鸣顾刘因为鹤叹…答之 With Double-Crane Abidance Lo in To see suddenly surname Physician trained in herb medicine Remain Ming Gu Liu yin A sigh for the Cape of
宿窦使君庄水亭 Sudou Honorific fitle of civil governor of a province in ancient china Village Shui Ting
龙门下作 the east city gate of the capital of Chu State in Warring States Period of 475-221 B.C. low-down
履道春居 Spring Home Ludao
题洛中第宅 Problem in Los mansion
寄殷协律(多叙江南旧游) Send Yin Law Society over Syria South of the changjiang river formerly-visited place
洛下诸客就宅相送,偶题西亭 Luoxiazhuke both hands on the house even inscribe West Pavilion
将发洛中枉令狐相公手札兼辱二篇宠行以长句答之 Los much for anyone will be issued in Linghu Xianggongzhuang Autograph letter And shame 2 Pet ok have Tang poetry of having seven characters to each line A s
临都驿答梦得六言二首 Pro both have six relay A dream made two
喜钱左丞再除华州,以诗伸贺 Hi addition to Chinese state money Zuocheng longer stretch of poetry, HE
和钱华州题少华清光绝句 And the money Washington State title Shao hua Clear light Quatrains
送陕府王大夫 Songshanfuwang doctor
代迎春花招刘郎中 Era Winter jasmine, jasminum nudiflorum Dr. Liu physician trained in herb medicine
古诗 ancient style poetry



【资料来源】 卷448_37
