唐代 白居易 Bai Juyi  唐代   (772~846)
题龙门堰西涧 inscribe The east city gate of the capital of chu state in warring states period of 475-221 b.c. West Stream weir
秋霖中奉裴令公见招早出赴会马上先寄六韵 keep an appointment Anon Xianjiliuyun
尝酒听歌招客 Taste wine Songs move off
八月三日夜作 Aug Three days night work
晓眠后寄杨户部 Xiao Mian Yang sent after the Board of Revenue and Population
秋雨夜眠 Autumn nights sleep
喜梦得自冯翊归洛,兼呈令公 Hi dream Derive Feng yi Guiluojiancheng make public
斋戒满夜,戏招梦得 Fast full Evening performance Dr. Meng was
和令公问刘宾客归来称意无之作 And that the public asked Liu Guest Return Be gratified None of the for
酬梦得穷秋夜坐,即事见寄 Dream was poor pay Autumn night Take the matter, see Send
偶于维扬牛相公处觅得筝筝未到先寄诗来走笔戏答 Even in cattle xianggongzhuang Department Weiyang Scout Zheng zheng not yet reached the first to send poetry Write rapidly A play
答梦得秋庭独坐见赠 A court sitting in a dream may see the gift Autumn
长斋月满携酒先与梦得对酌醉中同赴令公之宴戏赠梦得 Permanent obstention from meat On the first and the dream was over Xiejiu To drink, sitting face to face Drunk in public and the banquet that play Tong Fu Gift dreams too
奉酬淮南牛相公思黯见寄二十四韵(每对双关分叙两意) Feng pay The middle part of anhui province Bovine xianggongzhuang Sianxianji Score four Rhyme for each pair Equivocality Sub-classification 2 views
吴秘监每有美酒独酌独醉但蒙诗报不以饮招…酬兼呈梦得 Wu bi Supervisor for every Vintage Drinking alone by moonlight Drunk alone But the Mongolian newspaper poem Make little of Drinking was a dream move and get paid
初冬月夜得皇甫泽州手札并诗数篇因遣报书偶题长句 The first month of winter A moonlight night gain A surname Zezhou Autograph letter And poems written several articles for removal report Dual problem Tang poetry of having seven characters to each line
雪中酒熟,欲携访吴监,先寄此诗 Snow Jiushuyuxie Fangwujianxian Send this poem
酬令公雪中见赠,讶不与梦得同相访 Remuneration that the public Snow See grants be surprised Stay clear of Dream was Not being in the same state at the same time inquire
题酒瓮呈梦得 Title was a dream too Jiuweng
迂叟 Roundabout Marceau
洛下闲居,寄山南令狐相公 Los Next Grass Send Shannan Linghu Xianggongzhuang
古诗 ancient style poetry




【资料来源】 卷456_37
