唐代 白居易 Bai Juyi  唐代   (772~846)
送李滁州 To Li Chuzhou
长斋月满寄思黯 Permanent obstention from meat Send ideas on full dim
冬夜对酒寄皇甫十 Winter night Send on wine A surname decade
岁除夜对酒 s eve Night on the wine
寄献北都留守裴令公 Send offer North is Stay behind for garrison or liaison duty Pei make public
和东川杨慕巢尚书府中独坐感戚在怀见寄十四韵 And East Chuan yang Mu-Nest Shang shu Fuchu sitting alone in the Huai, see Send a sense of Qi Myristic acid charm
分司洛中多暇数与诸客宴游醉后狂吟偶成十韵…奇章公 Sub-division Luo and Zhu in the number of passenger and multi-leisure Leisurely trip To drink Mad Yin Even as 10 Yunqizhanggong
小岁日喜谈氏外孙女孩满月 s Grandbaby child quartering
闲吟赠皇甫郎中亲家翁(新与皇甫结姻) Busy yin present A surname Physician trained in herb medicine Parents of one's daughter-in-law or son-in-law Weng new and A surname End marriage
酬思黯戏赠同用狂字 Gift ideas pay the same dark drama with crazy characters
又戏答绝句(来句云不是道公狂不得,恨公逢我不教狂) be not allowed I do not teach hate every mad public
令狐相公与梦得交情素深眷予分亦不浅一闻薨逝…继和 Linghu Dear husband and the dream was Companionship Dependents to the sub-prime is not shallow depth of a news Death of a prince died Following and
洛下雪中频与刘李二宾客宴集,因寄汴州李尚书 (surname) Snow Intermediate frequency And Liu Li 2 Guest Feast for Send Bian Zhou Li Shang Shu
看梦得题答李侍郎诗诗中有文星之句因戏和之 A dream to see Lee get title Assistant minister Poetry poem Man star The sentence for a movie and the
闲适 quiet
戏答思黯(思黯有能筝者,以此戏之) A thinking dark dark movie thinking there are those who can Zheng For this reason Show the
酬裴令公赠马相戏 Pay Pei Ma show that the public grant
早春持斋,答皇甫十见赠 (early)spring Abstinence answer A surname 10 See gifts
戏赠梦得,兼呈思黯 drama Gift dreams too Jianchengsian
早春忆游思黯南庄,因寄长句 (early)spring Dim memories and ideas for Send Nanchuang Tang poetry of having seven characters to each line
酬皇甫十早春对雪见赠 fulfil A surname decade (early)spring On hsuehchien gifts
奉和思黯自题南庄见示兼呈梦得 Feng and Si dark Since the question Green Fields and see the show was a dream too
古诗 ancient style poetry



【资料来源】 卷456_85
