唐代 白居易 Bai Juyi  唐代   (772~846)
早春独登天宫阁 (early)spring alone Beyond the bounds of Palace Court
送苏州李使君赴郡二绝句 accompany Suzhou (city) (a surname) Honorific fitle of civil governor of a province in ancient china Second went to the county Quatrains
长洲曲新词 Cheung Chau Qu coin
病中诗十五首。初病风 Disease Poetry Fifteen The first wind early disease
病中诗十五首。枕上作 Disease poetry fifteen head Pillow for
病中诗十五首。答闲上人来问因何风疾 Disease poetry fifteen head A busy Buddhist monk To ask Whereat Wind illness
病中诗十五首。病中五绝句 Disease poetry fifteen head Five patients Quatrains
病中诗十五首。送嵩客 Disease poetry fifteen head Song sent off
病中诗十五首。罢灸 Disease poetry fifteen head Stop moxibustion
病中诗十五首。卖骆马 Disease poetry fifteen head sale vicuna
病中诗十五首。别柳枝 Disease poetry fifteen head allo- osier
病中诗十五首。就暖偶酌戏诸诗酒旧侣 Disease poetry fifteen head On warm Ouzhuoxizhu old companion Poem
病中诗十五首。岁暮呈思黯相公、皇甫朗之及梦得尚书 Disease poetry fifteen head The dying year Xiang Gong was thinking dark A surname Langevin and the dream was Shang Shu
病中诗十五首。自解 Disease poetry fifteen head Self
岁暮病怀赠梦得(时与梦得同患足疾) The dying year Pregnant patients Gift dreams too Dream was the same with the affected foot disease
酬梦得贫居咏怀见赠 Get paid dream Poor home Sing of one's feelings See gifts
酬梦得见喜疾瘳 Pay a dream and saw hi Disease Liao
夜闻筝中弹潇湘送神曲感旧 Wen Zheng night Stop a bullet Xiaoxiang accompany Dante to remember the deceased with emotion
感苏州旧舫 affect Suzhou (city) Old Fang
感旧石上字 To remember the deceased with emotion Crevice word
见敏中初到邠宁秋日登城楼诗诗中颇多乡思因以寄和 See Min in the early Bin Ning Autumn ascend City gate tower Poetry poem quite a lot of homesickness, due to the Send and
斋戒 fast
戏礼经老僧 Ceremony by movie Monk
古诗 ancient style poetry



【资料来源】 卷457_69
