唐代 白居易 Bai Juyi  唐代   (772~846)
近见慕巢尚书诗中屡有叹老思退之意又于洛下…谕之 See Mu nest near Shang shu Poem repeated A sigh Old thinking back Not dream of Also under the decree of the Los
对镜偶吟,赠张道士抱元 On the mirror Even yin Zhang gifts Taoist Hold element
卧疾来早晚 Lying disease arrive sooner or later
强起迎春,戏寄思黯 Strong effect Spring festival Xijisian
梦得前所酬篇有炼尽美少年之句因思往事…以长句答之 Dream article was previously paid to do a condensed Adonis The sentence for thought Past have Tang poetry of having seven characters to each line A s
病后寒食 Be out and about Cold Food
老病相仍以诗自解 Old and sick with self poem still
皇甫郎中亲家翁赴任绛州,宴送出城赠别 A surname physician trained in herb medicine Parents of one's daughter-in-law or son-in-law father Go to take one's post Jiangzhou Feast Irradiate City Parting Words
春暖 The arrival of spring
残春晚起,伴客笑谈 Canchun Evening to With customers drollery
送唐州崔使君侍亲赴任 Songtangzhoucui Honorific fitle of civil governor of a province in ancient china Paternity pro- go to take one's post
春晚咏怀赠皇甫朗之 Spring Festival Gala Sing of one's feelings present A surname Langevin
春尽日宴罢,感事独吟(开成五年三月三十日作) Every spring daily Feast strike Sense of things Singing alone Open into pentad Mar thirty daily work
病中辱崔宣城长句见寄兼有觥绮之赠因以四韵总而酬之 Cui disease disgrace Announce city Tang poetry of having seven characters to each line See Send Be -nied with (a thing) Gong Qi of the grant, due to the total and the reward of four rhyme
前有别杨柳枝绝句梦得继和云春尽絮飞留不得…戏答 be not allowed A play
谈氏外孙生三日喜是男偶吟成篇兼戏呈梦得 s Grandbaby Hi male students on the 3rd Even yin A chapter And play was a dream too
开成大行皇帝挽歌词四首,奉敕撰进 Open into The late emperor Draw libretto 4 Feng chi Essays into
宣州崔大夫阁老忽以近诗数十首见示吟讽之下…郡斋 Cui Xuanzhou Doctor Gelao Take the first poem suddenly see dozens of Yin satirical show Beneath County,
足疾 Foot disease
晚池泛舟,遇景成咏,赠吕处士 Late Pond Go boating Lu Jing-Cheng Wing grant opportunities Department disabilities
梦微之 Micro dream of
古诗 ancient style poetry



【资料来源】 卷458_22
