唐代 白居易 Bai Juyi  唐代   (772~846)
南院 Southern Branch
闲咏 Busy Wing
初授秘监,拜赐金紫,闲吟小酌,偶写所怀 Chushoumijian Humbly receive (gifts,advice) Gold Purple Busy yin A little drink, or a few drinks (of some alcoholic beverage) Even write the ideas in one's mind
新昌闲居,招杨郎中兄弟 Xinchang Grass Dr. Yang Physician trained in herb medicine brethren
秘省后厅 Peru province opisthodome
松斋偶兴 Song Xing fast dual
和杨郎中贺杨仆射致仕后杨侍郎门生合宴席上作 Heyang Physician trained in herb medicine Heyang Pu she Resign after Poplar assistant minister Pupil Dinner together Gallery for
松下琴赠客 Matsushita (japanese electronics company) Qin customer gifts
秋斋 Fall fast
涂山寺独游 Tushan temple Independent travel
登观音台望城 Ascend Guanyin taiwan hope City
登灵应台北望 Deng Ling Ying Taibei city hope
酬裴相公题兴化小池见招长句 Pei xianggongzhuang pay issues The name of a theatrical troupe Cuvette See move Tang poetry of having seven characters to each line
闲行 Busy Line
闲出 Busy out
华城西北雉堞最高崔相公首创楼台钱左丞继种…怅然成咏 disappointed Cheng Yong
奉使途中,戏赠张常侍 Ancient Korea En route Xi Zeng Zhang Attendants
有小白马乘驭多时奉使东行至稠桑驿溘然而毙…题二十韵 A small White horse By yu A long time Ancient Korea east to San relay suddenly crowded Nevertheless Death issues Score charm
题喷玉泉(泉在寿安山下高百馀尺直泻潭中) Problems in the life safety spring spray Yuquan hundred feet high mountain lake Zhixie
酬皇甫宾客 fulfil A surname guest
古诗 ancient style poetry




【资料来源】 卷448_13
