唐代 白居易 Bai Juyi  唐代   (772~846)
赠草堂宗密上人 present Thatched cottage Zongmi Buddhist monk
喜照密闲实四上人见过 Yoshiteru close leisure real 4 Buddhist monk Seen
赠皇甫六张十五李二十三宾客 present A surname 6 Fifteen (a surname) Score three guest
微之敦诗晦叔相次长逝,岿然自伤,因成二绝 lofty Self-sentimental Must result into two
池上闲咏 Ikegami Busy Wing
凉风叹 Cool breeze sigh
和高仆射罢节度让尚书授少保分司喜遂游山水之作 And high Pushe strike Official allow Shang shu Granted less protection Sub-division Hi, then tour Landscape S for
送考功崔郎中赴阙 Cui Gong send test Physician trained in herb medicine Fuque
重修香山寺毕,题二十二韵以纪之 rebuild Xiangshan temple Complete title Score 2 rhyme with Millennium
送杨八给事赴常州 Songyangbaji things go Changzhou
闻歌者唱微之诗 Heard singers sing micro Poem
醉送李二十常侍赴镇浙东 Drunk to Li Score Attendants go to the town of eastern Zhejiang
自咏 Since Wing
把酒思闲事二首 s wineglass consider A matter that does not concern one 2
衰荷 Failure load
池上送考功崔郎中,兼别房窦二妓 Ikegami Cui Gong send test Physician trained in herb medicine Dou, prostitution and other rooms
自问 self-questioning
送陈许高仆射赴镇 Songchenxugaopushefu Town
青毡帐二十韵 black Yurt Score charm
答梦得秋日书怀见寄 A dream too Autumn Form was See Send
同诸客题于家公主旧宅 At home with all customer issues Archduchess former residence
答梦得八月十五日夜玩月见寄 A dream too Aug Fifteen daily Send Night Wanyue see
古诗 ancient style poetry



【资料来源】 卷454_20
