送舒著作重授省郎赴阙 Send Shu Classic Zhongshouxinglang Fuque
喜刘苏州恩赐金紫,遥想贺宴,以诗庆之 Xi Liu Suzhou (city) Benediction Gold Purple Recall Wassail The celebration of poetry
蓝田刘明府携酌相过与皇甫郎中卯时同饮醉后赠之 Lantian Liu government had brought with discretion and A surname Physician trained in herb medicine The period of the day from 5 a.m.to 7 a.m. With drink To drink Donated
刘苏州以华亭一鹤远寄,以诗谢之 surname Suzhou (city) Send to Huating Relations Across much to thank the poem
早春忆苏州寄梦得 (early)spring recall Suzhou (city) Send a dream too
尝新酒忆晦叔二首 Taste what is just in season alcohol Shu yi night 2
负春 Negative Spring
池上闲吟二首 Ikegami Busy yin 2
早春招张宾客 (early)spring Dr. Zhang guest
营闲事 encampment, barracks a matter that does not concern one
感春 Feeling Spring
春池上戏赠李郎中 life Ikegami Xi Zeng Li physician trained in herb medicine
玩半开花赠皇甫郎中(八年寒食日池东小楼上作) Play Ajar Flower gifts A surname Physician trained in herb medicine eight years Cold food day East Pond Small building Make
池边 pool side
家酿新熟每尝辄醉妻侄等劝令少饮因成长句以谕之 Homebrew new wife cooked every taste to frequently drunk etc. advising to drink less because of nephew Burgeon Encyclical of the sentence to
且游 And travel
题令狐家木兰花 inscribe Linghu Family tree orchid
拜表回闲游 To present a report, petition, etc. to the emperor gyrus gallivant
西街渠中,种莲垒石,颇有幽致,偶题小楼 Street Drainage in kind rather secluded stone lotus base induced Dual problem small Building