晚春闲居杨工部寄诗、杨常州寄茶同到因以长句答之 Late spring Grass poplar (in old china) the ministry of public works Send poems Yang Changzhou Send to tea with the result Tang poetry of having seven characters to each line A s
玉泉寺南三里涧下多深红踯躅繁艳殊常感惜题诗以示游者 Yuquan South Three Mile Stream How deep under the Red wander Fan yan Special poems often feel pity to show Tourists
早服云母散 Early Service Mica Powder
三月晦日晚闻鸟声 Mar Misoka Late News Birdsong
早夏游平原回 Early summer swim Plain gyrus
宿天竺寺回 lodge for the night India Temple Back
侍中晋公欲到东洛先蒙书问期宿龙门思往感今辄献长句 Sijung Jin For the public To the east of Los ask first written in Mongolian places The east city gate of the capital of chu state in warring states period of 475-221 b.c. Thought to Ganjinzhexian Tang poetry of having seven characters to each line
奉和晋公侍中蒙除留守行及洛师感悦发中斐然成咏之作 Feng and In addition to the public sijung Jin Meng Stay behind for garrison or liaison duty Los division line and Sense yue Striking into a chant of hair for
送刘五司马赴任硖州兼寄崔使君 Liu to send five Minister of war in ancient china Go to take one's post Kip Zhoujianjicui honorific fitle of civil governor of a province in ancient China
菩提寺上方晚眺 Bodhi temple At the head of Late Tiao
杨柳枝词八首 Poplar osier vocable Eight
读禅经 read After Zen
闲卧有所思二首 lounge Have one's thoughts 2
喜闲 Hi Busy
诗酒琴人例多薄命予酷好三事雅当此科…成狂咏聊写愧怀 Qin human cases of multiple Poem (usu Three things to Ku Hao Ya When the subjects into wild talk was ashamed Huai Yong
寄明州于驸马使君三绝句 s son-in-law honorific fitle of civil governor of a province in ancient China Three quatrains
闲卧 lounge
春早秋初,因时即事,兼寄浙东李侍郎 life Early autumn When the matter first because of Lee and send Zhedong assistant minister