唐代 白居易 Bai Juyi  唐代   (772~846)
送鹤与裴相临别赠诗 Sent to Crane and PEI At parting Zengshi
令狐相公拜尚书后有喜从镇归朝之作刘郎中先和因以继之 Linghu Xianggongzhuang worship Shang shu rear Be in a certain condition Cong town Go towards S for Liu Physician trained in herb medicine First and, due to the followed
送河南尹冯学士赴任 accompany Henan province Yin Feng Bachelor go to take one's post
读鄂公传 Duegongzhuan
乌夜啼(一有赋得字) Wu yeti One has Fu de word
冬夜闻虫 Winter night News insects
双鹦鹉 Pair popinjay
赠朱道士 Zhu gifts taoist
昨以拙诗十首寄西川杜相公相公亦以新作…用伸答谢 Poetry 10 yesterday to send xichuan du zhuo phase public phase new for public yi yi With extension acknowledge
和汴州令狐相公新于郡内栽竹百竿拆壁开轩…七言五韵 Hebianzhou Linghu Xianggongxinyujunnei Bamboo planting Baiganchaibikaixuan Seven Wuyun
重答汝州李六使君见和忆吴中旧游五首 A heavy six-Yu Chau Lee Honorific fitle of civil governor of a province in ancient china See and Memories Wuzhong Formerly-visited place 5
见殷尧藩侍御忆江南诗三十首诗中多叙苏杭…继和之 appear Yan yaofan Shi Yu Recall south of the changjiang river poem Thirty Poem and the following multi-Syrian Jervois
闻新蝉赠刘二十八 Liu Wen grant new cicada twain the number 18
赠王山人 Gift king hermit
和刘郎中学士题集贤阁 And Liu Physician trained in herb medicine Bachelor Mandarin Court title
观幻 View of Magic
病假中庞少尹携鱼酒相过 Sick leave Pang Shao Yin brought in over the fish with wine
听曹刚琵琶兼示重莲 Listen Gang Cao Lute And said re-Lin
酬令狐相公春日寻花见寄六韵 fulfil Linghu Xianggongzhuang Spring Flower send six rhyme search
和刘郎中曲江春望见示 And Liu Physician trained in herb medicine Qujiang spring hope See show
送东都留守令狐尚书赴任 East have sent Stay behind for garrison or liaison duty Linghu Shang Shu go to take one's post
自题新昌居止,因招杨郎中小饮 Since the question Xinchang To stay and live By Dr. Yang Physician trained in herb medicine nip
古诗 ancient style poetry



【资料来源】 卷449_13
