唐代 白居易 Bai Juyi  唐代   (772~846)
香山寺石楼潭夜浴 Xiangshan temple Stone House Lake Night Bath
嗟发落 lament deal with (an offender)
安稳眠 Sleep peacefully
书绅 Books gentry
秋游平泉,赠韦处士、闲禅师 Fall Camp Hiraizumi gift Wei Department disabilities idle honorific title for a Buddhist monk
游坊口悬泉,偶题石上(时为河南尹) Tour Square mouth Hanging spring Dual problem Crevice When Henan province Yi
对火玩雪 Ask for a light Play in the snow
六年寒食洛下宴游,赠冯、李二少尹 Under six years of Cold Food Luo Leisurely trip Feng Li 2 Shao Yin gifts
苦热中寄舒员外 bitter Addiction Send Shu ministry councillor
寄情 lovemaking
舒员外游香山寺数日不归兼辱尺书大夸胜事…长句以赠之 easy Ministry councillor swim Xiangshan temple Not return for several days and shame Foot book Something big triumphing Tang poetry of having seven characters to each line To grant the
早冬游王屋自灵都抵阳台上方望天坛偶吟成章寄…李相公 Early winter You wangwu arrived from the spirits Balcony At the head of hope The temple of heaven in beijing Even Yin Come out as an article Send Lee xianggongzhuang
元微之除浙东观察使,喜得杭越邻州,先赠长句 Yuan Weizhichuzhe East view Police so happy to go Hang yue Neighboring state first grants Tang poetry of having seven characters to each line
席上答微之 scholars A micro-s
答微之夸越州州宅 A micro-s State of the state house boasts more
微之重夸州居其落句有西州罗刹之谑因嘲兹石聊以寄怀 Home boasts state of the heavy micro-off sentences in their Western state Demon The Xueyinchaozi stone Liaoyijihuai
张十八员外以新诗二十五首见寄郡楼月下吟玩…寄微之 Sheet the number 18 Ministry councillor New Poetry Twenty five Send County House first see Yin play next month Send a micro s
酬微之 The micro-pay
馀思未尽,加为六韵,重寄微之 Add the remaining six Yun thought not entirely re- Send a micro s
古诗 ancient style poetry



【资料来源】 卷445_41
