唐代 白居易 Bai Juyi  唐代   (772~846)
咏怀 sing of one's feelings
老热 Old hot
新秋喜凉,因寄兵部杨侍郎 New autumn Xiliangyinji Department of war in feudal china poplar assistant minister
懒放二首,呈刘梦得、吴方之 LIU Meng was lazy too put two of Wu Fang
六十六 hexad caroche
三适赠道友 Three appropriate gifts Addicts
洛阳春赠刘李二宾客(齐梁格) (surname) no-frills Liu Li 2 gifts Guest Qi Liang grid
寒食 Cold Food
和裴令公一日日一年年杂言见赠 And PEI that the public Day daily Twelvemonth Miscellaneous statements, see gifts
题裴晋公女几山刻石诗后 Question Peijin Gong several mountain women To engrave (writings) on stone The poem
洛阳有愚叟 Luoyang A foolish old man
饱食闲坐 glut Sit
闲居自题 grass Since the question
览镜喜老 View mirror Hi Lo
风雪中作 Wind Snow for
对琴酒 right gin
雪中晏起偶咏所怀兼呈张常侍、韦庶子、皇甫郎中 Snow Yan qi Dual wing The ideas in one's mind Attendants were Zhang Wei and Illegitimate a surname physician trained in herb medicine
和裴侍中南园静兴见示 And Pei Shi (abbreviation for) china - south africa Park said Jing Xing, see
春寒 cold spell in spring
菩提寺上方晚望香山寺,寄舒员外 Bodhi temple At the head of Night looking Xiangshan temple Send Shu ministry councillor
二月一日作,赠韦七庶子 February Day Zuozengweiqi illegitimate
犬鸢 Dog Kite
梦刘二十八,因诗问之 Meng Liu Twain the number 18 Asked for the poem
古诗 ancient style poetry



【资料来源】 卷452_26
