唐代 白居易 Bai Juyi  唐代   (772~846)
宣武令狐相公以诗寄赠传播吴中聊奉短草用申酬谢 Xuanwu Linghu Dear husband donated verse Transmit Wuzhong Feng chat Short grasses With the application thank sb.with a gift
自咏 Since Wing
紫薇花 Lagerstroemia indica flower
自到郡斋仅经旬日方专公务未及宴游偷闲…仍呈吴中诸客 From the county, only after Ten days Side post Official duties Before Leisurely trip Loaf on the job Still on Wuzhong All customers
答客问杭州 A Hangzhou
登阊门闲望 ascend Chang men Look busy
代诸妓赠送周判官 On behalf of all prostitutes Presentation week official
秋寄微之十二韵 autumn Send a micro s Troubadour charm
池上早秋 Ikegami early autumn
郡西亭偶咏 county West pavilion Dual Wing
故衫 Therefore shirt
郡中夜听李山人弹三乐 Counties Night to listen to (a surname) hermit Three shells Music
东城桂三首 East Gui 3
闻行简恩赐章服,喜成长句寄之 News Xingjian Benediction Xi Chapter Services Burgeon Send the sentence
对酒吟 Yin on wine
偶饮 Even drinking
早发赴洞庭舟中作 Premature Fudongting Boat for
宿湖中 Places in the lake
拣贡橘书情 Orange picking tribute Book love
夜泛阳坞入明月湾即事,寄崔湖州 Night Fanyangwuru Bright moon bay That do send Cui Huzhou
泛太湖书事,寄微之 extensive Taihu Book thing Send a micro s
题新馆 Topic Archive
古诗 ancient style poetry



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