唐代 白居易 Bai Juyi  唐代   (772~846)
湖上夜饮 Lake Evening drink
新秋病起 New autumn Disease from
木芙蓉花下招客饮 Numb flos hibisci mutabilis Xiazhaokeyin
悲歌 elegy
江楼晚眺,景物鲜奇,吟玩成篇,寄水部张员外 River building Late Tiao Sight Splendor play fresh A chapter Send Mizube Zhang ministry councillor
夜招周协律,兼答所赠 Law and Society Week Night recruit a gift from A.
重酬周判官 Chongchou Week official
饮后夜醒 drink After the night stop sleeping
代卖薪女赠诸妓 On behalf of the sale paid Nvzengzhuji
奉和李大夫题新诗二首各六韵。因严亭 Feng and (a surname) Doctor Poetry 2 questions for the six-Yun Yan Ting
奉和李大夫题新诗二首各六韵。忘筌亭 Feng and (a surname) doctor question the six rhyme poetry 2 Forgot Quan Pavilion
予以长庆二年冬十月到杭州明年秋九月始与范…遂留绝句 Deliver Dong Changqing years October adsum Hangzhou Next year autumn September Before and Fan Sui Liu Quatrains
早冬 Early winter
岁假内命酒赠周判官、萧协律 Year-old leave in Order sb.to place wines on the table Gift Week Official Shaw Law Society
与诸客携酒寻去年梅花有感 With various guest Xiejiu search Yesteryear mumeplant japanese Thoughts
醉送李协律赴湖南辟命,因寄沈八中丞 Lee went to get drunk Law Society Hunan The provision of life Yinjichenba an official's name
内道场永讙上人就郡见访善说维摩经临别请诗因以此赠 Inside taoist or buddhist rites (performed to save the souls of the dead) Yonghuan Buddhist monk Jiujun Your visit Shanshuoweimojing At parting Qingshiyin For this reason present
见李苏州示男阿武诗,自感成咏 See Lee Suzhou (city) Show men Abu poem Self induction Cheng Yong
正月十五日夜月 the first month of the lunar year Fifteen daily Night moon, bringing
题州北路傍老柳树 Problem state North road Beside the old osier
题清头陀 Clear title 梵dhūta
自叹二首 Sighed 2
古诗 ancient style poetry



【资料来源】 卷443_64
