唐代 白居易 Bai Juyi  唐代   (772~846)
种荔枝 species lychee
阴雨 be overcast and rainy
送客归京 See sb. to the door Go here
送萧处士游黔南 Send Hsiao Department disabilities You Qiannan
寄微之(时微之为虢州司马) Send a micro s Of the Guo state when the micro- minister of war in ancient china
东楼招客夜饮 East tower Move off Evening drink
醉后戏题 To drink Movie title
冬至夜 Midwinter dark
竹枝词四首 Zhuzhici 4
酬严中丞晚眺黔江见寄 Pay strict An official's name Late Tiao Black river See Send
寄题杨万州四望楼 Send questions Yang Wanzhou 4 barbican
答杨使君登楼见忆 A Yang Honorific fitle of civil governor of a province in ancient china Ascend building See Yi
除夜 watch night
闻雷 Wen Lei
春至 chunzhi
感春 Feeling Spring
春江 Life River
巴水 Palestinian water
野行 Field trip
送高侍御使回,因寄杨八 Send to back due to send high-Shi Yu Yang 8
奉酬李相公见示绝句(时初闻国丧) Feng pay Lee xianggongzhuang see show Quatrains When the news state funeral
喜山石榴花开(去年自庐山移来) to be fond of Mountain pomegranate Bloom Yesteryear from Lushan mountain immigrate
古诗 ancient style poetry



【资料来源】 卷441_41
