唐代 白居易 Bai Juyi  唐代   (772~846)
醉后 To drink
待漏入阁书事,奉赠元九学士阁老 Minister of a monarchy in feudal china wait for going to court before dawn (in old china) to get inside the imperial cabinet Book thing Present as a gift Element 9 Bachelor Gelao
晚春重到集贤院 Late spring Weight to the Mandarin Court
紫薇花 Lagerstroemia indica flower
后宫词 rear Palace Lyrics
卜居 choose a place for residence
登龙尾道南望,忆庐山旧隐 Tang Lung Onomichi South Wang Yi Lushan mountain Old hidden
冯阁老处见与严郎中酬和诗,因戏赠绝句 surname Gelao Department see and Yan Physician trained in herb medicine Respond (to a poem) with a poem Poetry gift for drama Quatrains
见于给事暇日上直寄南省诸郎官诗,因以戏赠 See also To do Days of leisure Send South Province, on the straight poetry, due to the various Lang Guan Xi Zeng
西省北院新构小亭种竹开窗东通骑省…隔窗小饮各题四韵 North West Province, the new hospital structure Box Species of bamboo Windowing East Pass ride Province Gechuang Nip The title four rhyme
酬元郎中同制加朝散大夫,书怀见赠 Pay per Physician trained in herb medicine Increase with the system Toward san Doctor Form was See gifts
和韩侍郎苦雨 And Han Assistant minister Ku Yu
连雨 With rain
初加朝散大夫又转上柱国 Initial increase Toward san Doctor Also turn on the Zhu Guo
新秋早起,有怀元少尹 New autumn Rise with the lark There Huai Yuan Shao Yin
夜筝 Night Zheng
妻初授邑号告身 Professor Yap first wife Gaoshen No.
送客南迁 See sb. to the door South
暮归 Mo go
古诗 ancient style poetry



【资料来源】 卷442_16
