唐代 白居易 Bai Juyi  唐代   (772~846)
赠康叟 Hong Marceau gifts
鹦鹉 popinjay
京使回,累得南省诸公书因以长句诗寄谢萧五刘二…员外 Beijing to back Blue in the face South Province, due to the gentlemen in the book Tang poetry of having seven characters to each line Liu Xie Xiao 5 verse 2 ministry councillor
东城春意 East Side desire for love
木莲树生巴峡山谷间巴民亦呼为黄心树大者…题三绝句云 Cotton rose Tree Health Pakistan gap Valley People also call for the inter-Palestinian Yellow heart tree Big issues are Three quatrains cloud
种桃杏 Kind of peach and apricot
新秋 New Autumn
龙昌寺荷池 Lung Cheong Temple lotus pond
寄胡饼与杨万州 Send cake and Yang Hu Wanzhou
感樱桃花,因招饮客 affect Cherry blossom Yinzhaoyinke
东亭闲望 Dongting look busy
和李澧州题韦开州经藏诗 And Li Li zhou Way to open the state title by possession of Poetry
即事寄微之 That matter Send a micro s
题郡中荔枝诗十八韵,兼寄万州杨八使君 inscribe Counties Lychee poem The number 18 Yang Yun and sent eight Wanzhou honorific fitle of civil governor of a province in ancient China
重寄荔枝与杨使君,时闻杨使君欲种植故有落句之戏 Redirect Lychee And Yang Honorific fitle of civil governor of a province in ancient china When Wen Yang Honorific fitle of civil governor of a province in ancient china choose Crop Beijingers are very good at talking and have been the nicknamed big talker
和万州杨使君四绝句。竞渡 And Wanzhou Yang Honorific fitle of civil governor of a province in ancient china four Quatrains boat race
和万州杨使君四绝句。江边草 And wanzhou yang honorific fitle of civil governor of a province in ancient china four quatrains Riverside grass
和万州杨使君四绝句。嘉庆李 And wanzhou yang honorific fitle of civil governor of a province in ancient china four quatrains Jia qing (a surname)
和万州杨使君四绝句。白槿花 And Wanzhou Yang Honorific fitle of civil governor of a province in ancient china four Quatrains White hibiscus flower
和行简望郡南山 And County Line Jane Wang Zhongnanshan
古诗 ancient style poetry



【资料来源】 卷441_17
