唐代 白居易 Bai Juyi  唐代   (772~846)
戏赠萧处士、清禅师 Xiao Xi Zeng Department disabilities clear honorific title for a Buddhist monk
钱虢州以三堂绝句见寄,因以本韵和之 Qian Guo state in three Quatrains See the rhyme and send the result to
三月三日 Mar Three days
寒食夜 Cold Food Night
代州民问 On behalf of the state of the public asked
答州民 A state of China
荔枝楼对酒 Lychee House wine
房家夜宴喜雪,戏赠主人 Housing Home Dinner party Hi snow play present baas
醉后赠人 To drink Donor
初除尚书郎,脱刺史绯 In addition to the early Shang shu LANG off Feudal provincial or prefectural governor red
留题开元寺上方 comments written after visiting a place Kai yuan temple at the head of
别桥上竹 Do bamboo bridge
发白狗峡,次黄牛峡登高寺,却望忠州 Blanch Dog Channel Inosinic acid Niu Gap Ascend Temple is looking Chungju
商山路有感 commerce Ghat Thoughts
商山路驿桐树,昔与微之前后题名处 commerce Ghat remount stations Tung Xi and micro- Antecede rear Entitle to reside
恻恻吟 Grieved Yin
德宗皇帝挽歌词四首 Corrections Czar Draw libretto 4
昭德皇后挽歌词 Seven Generations Empress draw libretto
太平乐词二首(已下七首在翰林院时奉敕撰进) Peace Music has the word two in the next 7 The imperial academy chron- Feng chi Essays into
小曲新词二首 Bagatelle Coin 2
闺怨词三首 Boudoir Word 3
古诗 ancient style poetry



【资料来源】 卷441_65
