唐代 白居易 Bai Juyi  唐代   (772~846)
浔阳岁晚,寄元八郎中、庾三十二员外 Xun Yang Year-end Send dollars Physician trained in herb medicine (surname) Thirty twain ministry councillor
元九以绿丝布白轻褣见寄制成衣服以诗报知 Green wire element 9 White cloth Qingrongjianji Execute Garment Reported to verse
清明日送韦侍御贬虔州 Sober and calm Date sent to depreciate Qian Zhou Wei Shiyu
九江春望 Jiujiang City Spring Hope
晚题东林寺双池 Late problems Donglin temple Double Pond
赠内子 present my wife
送客春游岭南二十韵 See sb. to the door Spring outing South of the five ridges(the area covering guangdong and guangxi)provinces Score charm
自题 Since the question
自悲 Since the tragedy
寻郭道士不遇 Guo search Taoist fail to achieve one's success
浔阳春三首(元和十二年作)。春生 steep bank by stream No-frills 3 The title of emperor li chun's reign in tang dynasty Years For Chunsheng
浔阳春三首。春来 steep bank by stream No-frills 3 Spring
梦微之(十二年八月二十日夜) Micro dream of Years Aug score day and night
赠韦炼师 Zengweilianshi
得行简书,闻欲下峡,先以诗寄 News For Jane books were OK before the poem under the Gap
南湖早春 south Lake (early)spring
元十八从事南海欲出庐山临别旧居有恋泉声之什…伸别情 buck The number 18 Pursue South sea scheme For the Lushan mountain At parting Old home there is love The sound of the other conditions even stretch
题韦家泉池 Question Weijia Quan Chi
醉中对红叶 Drunk on autumnal tints
遣怀 Calling
点额鱼 Point the amount of fish
闻龟儿咏诗 Press turtle children Wing-sie
对酒 Of wine
古诗 ancient style poetry



【资料来源】 卷440_3
