唐代 白居易 Bai Juyi  唐代   (772~846)
南浦岁暮对酒,送王十五归京 Nampo The dying year On the wine sent to the king Fifteen Go here
除夜 watch night
闻李十一出牧澧州,崔二十二出牧果州,因寄绝句 Wen Li Eleven The mu Li zhou (surname) Score twain The mu Send results by state Quatrains
元和十二年淮寇未平诏停岁仗愤然有感率尔成章 the title of Emperor Li Chun's reign in Tang Dynasty Years Huai-Ping Chao Kou did not stop old battle In anger Thoughts Lver come out as an article
庾楼新岁 Yu F, New Year
忆微之 Recalling the micro-
雨夜赠元十八 Rainy night gift dollars the number 18
寒食江畔 Cold Food the river bank
三月三日登庾楼寄庾三十二 Mar three days Teng Yuloujiyu Thirty twain
闻李六景俭自河东令授唐邓行军司马,以诗贺之 Jing-Wen Li Jian from six Hedong Lingshoutangdeng Hike Minister of war in ancient china He poetry, the
石榴树(一作石楠树) Pomegranate 1 for rock Nan Shu
咏怀 sing of one's feelings
早发楚城驿 Premature (surname) city remount stations
箬岘东池 Ruo Xian East Pond
哭从弟 cry sons of one's paternal uncles who are younger than oneself
香炉峰下新卜山居,草堂初成,偶题东壁 Incensory Peak of the new BU To live away from civilization Thatched cottage Early as Dual problem Dongbi
重题 Re-title
山中问月 In the mountains Q months
正月十五日夜东林寺学禅偶怀蓝田杨主簿因呈智禅师 the first month of the lunar year Fifteen daily dark Donglin temple Dual study of Chan Wai Lantian Young was wise for the main book honorific title for a Buddhist monk
临水坐 Sit near the water
山居 to live away from civilization
古诗 ancient style poetry



【资料来源】 卷439_49
