重到城七絶句。恆寂師 Important to the city 7 quatrains Hang lonely teacher
靖安北街贈李二十 an North Street gift Li score
重傷小女子 a stretcher case little girl
題周皓大夫新亭子二十二韻 Zhou Hao title Doctor new Belvedere Score 2 rhyme
賦得聽邊鴻 Fu de Hearing Hung
病中早春 Disease (early)spring
送人貶信州判官 To see (or walk) someone home Derogatory Shinshu official
麯江醉後贈諸親故 Qujiang To drink Various gifts relatives and old acquaintances
和元八侍禦升平新居四絶句。看花屋 And dollars Shi Yu Peaceful New home four Quatrains See the flowers house
和元八侍禦升平新居四絶句。纍土山 And dollars shi yu peaceful new home four quatrains Tired soil Mountain
和元八侍禦升平新居四絶句。高亭 And dollars Shi Yu Peaceful New home four Quatrains Gao Ting
和元八侍禦升平新居四絶句。松樹 And dollars Shi Yu Peaceful New home four Quatrains conifer
重寄(一作重寄元九) Redirect 1 for re- Send Element 9
李十一捨人鬆園飲小酎酒得元八侍禦詩敘雲在臺…酬四韻 (a surname) Eleven Scheeren Pine drink wine too small Spirits Syria dollars Shi Yu Shi Yun Yun in Taiwan paid 4
重到華陽觀舊居 Weight to the view of old home Huayang
答勸酒 answer 在酒席上
雨夜憶元九 Rainy night Yi Yuan 9
雨中攜元九詩訪元八侍禦 Bring rain per nine dollars to visit Shi Yu Shi
贈楊秘書巨源 YOUNG gifts Secretary Huge source
古詩 ancient style poetry
舊遊分散人零落,如此傷心事幾條。 會逐禪師坐禪去,一時滅盡定中消。
【資料來源】 438_16