唐代 白居易 Bai Juyi  唐代   (772~846)
寒食夜有怀 Cold food night Are pregnant
赠内 Gifts in
九日寄行简 the ninth day of the ninth noon, a festival on the lunar calendar Send Xingjian
夜坐 Night sitting
村居二首 Murai 2
早春 (early)spring
和梦游春诗一百韵 and Sleepwalk Spring Poetry Hundred charm
王昭君二首(时年十七) Wang zhaojun 2 Time in seventeen
渭村退居,寄礼部崔侍郎、翰林钱舍人诗一百韵 Wei Village Retire lodge at Ministry of rites in feudal china (surname) Assistant minister Member of the imperial academy Shi Qian Scheeren Hundred charm
酬卢秘书二十韵(时初奉诏除赞善大夫) Pay lu secretary Score In addition to initial and Feng Zhao Yun Chancery doctor
题卢秘书夏日新栽竹二十韵 Lu title Secretary Xia rixin Bamboo planting Score charm
渭村酬李二十见寄 Weicunchouli Score See Send
初授赞善大夫早朝,寄李二十助教 Initial grant of Chancery Doctor Levee Send Lee Score tutor
游城南,留元九、李二十晚归 swim South Remaining nine Li Yuan Score Coming home
广宣上人以应制诗见示因以赠…居安国寺红楼院以诗供奉 An xuan Buddhist monk have Write poem according to the emperor's order See the show, due to the gift poetry home Ankokuji Red House Centre for Poetry dedicate
重过秘书旧房,因题长句(时为赞善大夫) Resume Secretary Old houses because of problems Tang poetry of having seven characters to each line When Chancery doctor
重到城七绝句。见元九 Important to the City A four-line poem with seven characters to a line and a strict tonal pattern and rhyme scheme See nine per sentence
重到城七绝句。高相宅 Important to the city 7 quatrains GAO Xiang-house
重到城七绝句。张十八 Important to the City 7 Quatrains sheet The number 18
重到城七绝句。刘家花 Important to the city 7 quatrains Liu spent
重到城七绝句。裴五 Important to the city 7 quatrains PEI 5
重到城七绝句。仇家酒 Important to the city 7 quatrains Enemy alcohol
古诗 ancient style poetry



【资料来源】 卷437_86
