唐代 白居易 Bai Juyi  唐代   (772~846)
答元奉礼同宿见赠 A ceremony with Feng Yuan Long-cherished idea present
答马侍御见赠 A Mashi Yu see gifts
上巳日恩赐曲江宴会即事 The day had Benediction Qujiang Party That matter
夜惜禁中桃花,因怀钱员外 Night Xi Ban in Peach money for pregnant ministry councillor
和钱员外早冬玩禁中新菊 And money Ministry councillor Early winter play Ban in New Ju
答刘戒之早秋别墅见寄 A ring of Liu Early autumn Villa See Send
秋思 Autumn Thoughts
禁中闻蛩 Ban in News cricket
秋虫 Qiuchong
赠别宣上人 Parting words announce Buddhist monk
春夜喜雪,有怀王二十二 Spring evening Snow has the second King of Chu Hi troubadour
酬和元九东川路诗十二首。骆口驿旧题诗 Respond (to a poem) with a poem Element 9 East River road poem Troubadour Shouluokouyi old poems
酬和元九东川路诗十二首。山枇杷花二首 Respond (to a poem) with a poem element 9 east river road poem troubadour head Mountain loquat Flowers 2
酬和元九东川路诗十二首。江楼月 Respond (to a poem) with a poem Element 9 East River road poem Troubadour head River building Diana
酬和元九东川路诗十二首。亚枝花 Respond (to a poem) with a poem element 9 east river road poem troubadour head Asia flowers
酬和元九东川路诗十二首。江上笛 Respond (to a poem) with a poem element 9 east river road poem troubadour head Jiang on the flute
酬和元九东川路诗十二首。嘉陵夜有怀二首 Respond (to a poem) with a poem element 9 east river road poem troubadour head Jialing Night Huai-2 head
酬和元九东川路诗十二首。望驿台(三月三十日) Respond (to a poem) with a poem element 9 east river road poem troubadour head Wang relay station Mar Thirty daily
酬和元九东川路诗十二首。江岸梨花 Respond (to a poem) with a poem element 9 east river road poem troubadour head Pear River Bank
答谢家最小偏怜女(感元九悼亡诗,因为代答三首) Acknowledge group consisting of parents and their children Least Partial sense of pity for women per 9 Mourn for the dead poem The Reply on behalf of three
古诗 ancient style poetry



【资料来源】 卷437_38
