唐代 杜甫 Du Fu  唐代   (712~770)
Thoughts of Old Time V
A Long Climb
A Hearty Welcome to Vice-prefect Cui
A Spring View
The Eight-sided Fortress
On a Moonlight Night
A Song of War-chariots
Poetic Thoughts on Ancient Sites II
Autumn 8
Spring and 5
Above the ancient 3
Qian xing 5
The Temple of the Premier of Shu
Wang Yue Huashan Mountain
Wang Yue another anme for the Heng Mountain
From an Upper Story
On the Gate-tower at Youzhou
sing of one's feelings
On Meeting Li Guinian Down the River
Remembering my Brothers on a Moonlight Night
Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

Qintai Sima xiangru Western narrow northbound at the state house have Qintai

   Du Fu

Maoling sick, the Shangai Zhuo Wenjun.
Wine shop world world, Muyun Qintai day.
Po dimple left wild, Creeping see Luoqun.
Wong Fung seeking naturalization Italy, only a handful of no longer smell.
  Du Fu poem is pondering his later years in Chengdu remains Qintai Simaxiangru made.
  "Jiusi Human World" one, Bifeng steep turn, from the phase, such as, Wenjun old age, the youth back to They. Sima Shu-phase as a result of love daughter of wealthy widowhood Zhuowang Sun Wenjun, the stage at the piano playing "Search" the melodies to traffic accidents, Wenjun moved by the sounds, the night phase, such as Ben. This was Zhuowang Sun's strong opposition, not give them any dowry and dowry, but they will never yield. Phase such as the utterly destitute, living difficulties, the couple have opened a hotel, a liquor to make a living. "Wenjun When the clay, from the calf relative to the body such as the nose pants (ie, apron, shaped like a calf nose), and miscellaneous insurance for Yong, polyester device in the City" ("Historical Records Simaxiangru Biography"). A frail man, scholar, daughter of a well-off tenants to resort to "wine shop" to contempt of worldly etiquette, social conditions at the time, is to have a lot of courage. Poet could not help but to express the appreciation. "Qintai at Muyun" sentence, then went back to the poet overlooking the see, the King of love, food for thought. We can imagine, the poet quietly lingering in Qintai above, overlooking the twilight Pik, how many hearts to remember the Xinxian own feelings! "Japan Muyun" Poem by Yan "Pik sun_set_ together, beauty special future" language, see Qintai empty feeling today, Wenjun security in? Leads to the second line of "wild flowers", "Creeping," the United Pina daydreams. The Alliance, a targeted _select_ion of the poet of the "wine shop", "Qintai" full representation of these two things, not only embodies the kind of suave slow phase, such as the character of the world, but also to show his love and Wenjun persistent. Before the four poems, in the wide open the doors, turn Narrations Douqi steep, from old age back to youth, to remember the monument to the heart from yearning, dash, but bear phase hooks, all the scenarios, but Meditation Miao Miao.
  "Po dimple left wild, Creeping see Luo Qun," two, Wenjun brilliant image reproduction. Phase such as the color of God is accompanied by the emergence of Wenjun not write from view. Two are from the "Day Muyun Qintai" Yang Guan and return to the immediate rise of the King: see next Qintai beautiful flowers in bunches, so think of it as if the smile on the cheek then Wenjun; a cluster Creeping Cong verdant, as if with the Bi Luo Wenjun past the skirt. The Alliance is the prospect of writing caused by the eye, the illusion in the eyes of the poet. This association, both realistic, and very romantic, flower-like smile looked like Wenjun sounded, dressed and fields are green color Luoqun Pro has floated quiet.
  (Shi Shaowen)

【Source】 卷226_55

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