唐代 杜甫 Du Fu  唐代   (712~770)
晓发公安(数月憩息此县) Aldo Commonweal Several months To pause for rest this County
泊岳阳城下 berth Yue township Under the City
缆船苦风,戏题四韵,奉简郑十三判官(泛) Lanchuankufeng Movie title siyun Fengjianzheng A baker's `dozen thirteen Official extensive
陪裴使君登岳阳楼 Accompany PEI Honorific fitle of civil governor of a province in ancient china Ascend Yue township Building
宿青草湖(重湖,南青草,北洞庭) lodge for the night Eatage lake again Hunan Eatage North Dongting
宿白沙驿(初过湖南五里) Lodge for the night White sands Relay too early Hunan Wuli Village
湘夫人祠(即黄陵庙) name of a river Begum Temple is (surname) mausoleum
祠南夕望 Cinanxiwang
登白马潭 ascend White horse (surname)
归雁 Return Goose
野望 Wildness
入乔口(长沙北界) Joe into the mouth Changsha municipality North
铜官渚守风(渚在宁乡县) Tongguanshan Zhushoufengzhu in Ningxiang County
北风(新康江口信宿方行) North Singkang River Errand Su Fang Xing
双枫浦(在浏阳县) Two-Feng Pu in Liuyang county County
奉送王信州崟北归 Hand sb. sth. on a plate Wang xin Zhouyinbeigui
江阁卧病走笔寄呈崔、卢两侍御 River court be on one's back write rapidly send showed cui Lu two Shi Yu
潭州送韦员外牧韶州(迢) Tanzhou send wei ministry councillor mu shaozhou remote
江阁对雨有怀行营裴二端公(裴虬与讨臧玠故有行营) River Court On the rain Pei Huai-line operators have two End public Zang Jie Pei Qiu and discussion Beijingers are very good at talking and have been the nicknamed big talkers. Line Camp
酬韦韶州见寄 Send pay Wei Shaozhou see
千秋节有感二首(八月二日为明皇千秋节) A thousand years Day 2 Thoughts Aug On the 2nd Ming Wong A thousand years burl
晚秋长沙蔡五侍御饮筵,送殷六参军归澧州觐省 Late autumn Changsha municipality Cai Shi Yu Yinyansongyin 5 6 Enroll return Li zhou Kun Province
湖中送敬十使君适广陵 Lake sent King 10 Honorific fitle of civil governor of a province in ancient china Fitness Guangling Tomb
古诗 ancient style poetry



【资料来源】 卷233_1
