唐代 杜甫 Du Fu  唐代   (712~770)
春日戏题恼郝使君兄 Spring Xitinaohao Honorific fitle of civil governor of a province in ancient china man or boy having the same parents as another person
短歌行,赠王郎司直 Brief a style of old chinese poems Direct gifts Wanglang Division
短歌行,送祁录事归合州,因寄苏使君 Brief a style of old chinese poems Send Qi Copyist Co-owned by the state due to send the Soviet Union honorific fitle of civil governor of a province in ancient China
陪章留后惠义寺饯嘉州崔都督赴州 Chapter after paternity leave Egi Cui temple preserves Jiazhou Governor of province Go to state
将适吴楚,留别章使君留后,兼幕府诸公,得柳字 Will apply Wu and Chu Give souvenir on parting Jhang Honorific fitle of civil governor of a province in ancient china After leaving and Office of the commanding officer Liu gentlemen were characters
山寺(得开字,章留后同游) Temple was opened to stay the same after the word chapter Tour
桃竹杖引,赠章留后(竹兼可为簟,名桃笙) peach Length of cane, or a thin rod, used for supporting plants, as a walking-stick or for beating people as a punishment Chapter to remain after the grant guidelines for bamboo mat bamboo and peach Sheng name
寄题江外草堂(梓州作,寄成都故居) Send questions outside Jiang Thatched cottage Zizhouzuoji Chengdu Former Residence
送韦讽上阆州录事参军 Send Weifengshanglang state Copyist enroll
阆州东楼筵,奉送十一舅往青城县,得昏字 Langzhong state East tower banquet Hand sb. sth. on a plate Eleven Uncle too faint words to Qingcheng County
严氏溪放歌行(溪在阆州东百馀里) YAN Xi Sing loudly Langzhong state line in the East River over a hundred years Village
南池(在阆中县东南,即彭道将鱼池) South Pond in Langzhong County Southeast Peng Road will be that fishpond
发阆中 Fat Langzhong
忆昔二首 To recall the bygone days with nostalgia 2
冬狩行(时梓州刺史章彝兼侍御史留后东川) Winter hunting Rows Azusa State feudal provincial or prefectural governor Zhangyijianshi The censor After leaving Dongchuan
释闷 Explanation bored
赠别贺兰铦 Parting words Helan fish-spear
别唐十五诫,因寄礼部贾侍郎(贾至) Do Tang Fifteen Commandment for Send Ministry of rites in feudal china merchant Assistant minister Gu Zhi
阆山歌 Langzhong folk song
阆水歌 Langzhong water song
草堂 thatched cottage
四松 4 Song
古诗 ancient style poetry



【资料来源】 卷220_18
