唐代 杜甫 Du Fu  唐代   (712~770)
遣愤 Removal anger
章梓州橘亭饯成都窦少尹(得凉字) Zhang Zi state preserves Orange Pavilion Chengdu Dou Shao Yin Too cool word
送陵州路使君赴任 Send Ling Chau Road Honorific fitle of civil governor of a province in ancient china go to take one's post
薄暮 dusk
西山三首(即岷山,捍阻羌夷,全蜀巨障) Western Hills 3 that Min mountains Hanzuqiangyi Quanshujuzhang
薄游 Bo Yu
送李卿晔(晔,淮安忠公琇之子,时以罪贬岭南) To Li Qing Ye Ye Huai'an Hsiu-Chung Kung Perseus To depreciate when the crime south of the Five Ridges(the area covering Guangdong and Guangxi)provinces
绝句 Quatrains
城上(一作空城) City on an as Vacancy City
舍弟占归草堂检校聊示此诗 舍弟 total return Thatched cottage Check Poem talk show
伤春五首(巴阆僻远伤春罢始知春前已收宫阙) Spring and 5 Pakistan Langzhong Lonely and remote Spring Spring and stop short and art Already accept imperial palace
王阆州筵奉酬十一舅惜别之作 Wanglangzhouyan Feng pay Eleven maternal uncle Reluctant to part company S for
放船 fangchuan
奉待严大夫 When Yan Feng doctor
奉寄高常侍(一作寄高三十五大夫) Send it to send a high-high Attendants Thirty five doctor
将赴荆南,寄别李剑州 Li Jian will go to other states Jingnan Send
奉寄别马巴州(时甫除京兆功曹在东川) Do not send it just except when the state Maba Capital Gongcao In Dongchuan
泛江 Extensive River
陪王使君晦日泛江就黄家亭子二首 accompany Pursuivant don Misoka Extensive river accomplish Huang Belvedere 2
南征 Nanzheng
久客 to be a quest for an extended period of time
春远 Chun Yuan
古诗 ancient style poetry



【资料来源】 卷227_78
