唐代 杜甫 Du Fu  唐代   (712~770)
园 garden
竖子至 shuzizhi
示獠奴阿段 Show slave hunt A paragraph
秋野五首 Akino 5
溪上 Brook
树间 shujian
课小竖鉏斫舍北果林,枝蔓荒秽,净讫移床三首 Course North of small vertical hoe chop fruit forest homes Branches and tendrils (symbolic of confusing) Shortage of foul Net finished moving bed 3
寒雨朝行视园树 Hanyu Toward the tree line, as the Park
季秋江村 Jiqiujiang Village
小园 Small Garden Garden
自瀼西荆扉且移居东屯茅屋四首 Since Nangxijingfei and Migrate Dongtun village Cabin 4
茅堂检校收稻二首 Mao Tong Check Receive rice 2
东屯月夜 Dongtun Village a moonlight night
从驿次草堂复至东屯二首 Relay times from Thatched cottage Complex to Dongtun village 2
暂往白帝复还东屯 Zanwangbaidifuhaidong Village
刈稻了咏怀 Mow the rice sing of one's feelings
上白帝城(公孙述僭位于此,自称白帝) The white Emperor city Gongsun shu usurp Situated this Claim Baidi
上白帝城二首 The white Emperor city 2
武侯庙(庙在白帝西郊) Temple of Marquis Wu Temple in the western suburbs of Bai Di
谒先主庙(刘昭烈庙在奉节县东六里) Ye first the main temple Liu zhao Lie Temple in Fengjie county East six years Village
白盐山(白盐崖高千馀丈,在州城东十七里) White mounds of white salt, totaling some husbands in the high cliff A town within a "zhou" east Seventeen Village Village
滟滪堆 Yan 滪 heap
滟滪 Yan 滪
古诗 ancient style poetry



【资料来源】 卷229_47
