唐代 杜甫 Du Fu  唐代   (712~770)
惠义寺园送辛员外 Egi Temple Park send Xin ministry councillor
又送 Also send
九日登梓州城 The ninth day of the ninth noon, a festival on the lunar calendar Zi Teng a town within a "Zhou"
阙题 Que title
句 sentence
相和歌辞·后苦寒行二首 In proper proportion Songs rear Bitter cold Line 2
观公孙大娘弟子舞剑器行 to look at Sp 4 mother Descendant Swordplay Devices for
望岳 Wang Yue
客至(喜崔明府相过) Xi Cui government customers to phase-off
登高 ascend
登楼 Ascend Building
八阵图 Eight Diagrams
咏怀古迹五首 Sing of one's feelings antiquity 5
夏夜李尚书筵送宇文石首赴县联句 Summer (a surname) Shang shu Send banquet Yu-wen Stone first went to the county joint sentences
新秋 New Autumn
九日(其一) the ninth day of the ninth noon, a festival on the lunar calendar first or firstly
诸将五首(其二) Zhujiang Five Second,
有感五首(其三) Feeling 5 Third
绝句四首 Quatrains 4
将赴成都草堂途中有作先寄严郑公五首(其四) Go to Chengdu Thatched cottage En route Be in (a) condition (to do a thing) Send Yan Cheng Kung first five Fourth
江畔独步寻花七绝句(其六) The river bank Have no rival Find flower A four-line poem with seven characters to a line and a strict tonal pattern and rhyme scheme sentence Sixth
古诗 ancient style poetry



【资料来源】 卷234_44
