唐代 杜甫 Du Fu  唐代   (712~770)
Thoughts of Old Time V
A Long Climb
A Hearty Welcome to Vice-prefect Cui
A Spring View
The Eight-sided Fortress
On a Moonlight Night
A Song of War-chariots
Poetic Thoughts on Ancient Sites II
Autumn 8
Spring and 5
Above the ancient 3
Qian xing 5
The Temple of the Premier of Shu
Wang Yue Huashan Mountain
Wang Yue another anme for the Heng Mountain
From an Upper Story
On the Gate-tower at Youzhou
sing of one's feelings
On Meeting Li Guinian Down the River
Remembering my Brothers on a Moonlight Night
Multiple poems at a time
Qiyan lushi,a poem of eight lines

Autumn 8

   Du Fu

Yulu maple trees wither injury, gas Xiaosen Wushan Wu Gorge.
Waves and days between Jiang Yong, stuffed ground overcast situation.
Cong Ju future of two open tears, boat and a series of hometown heart.
Knife feet warm clothing reminders everywhere, Baidicheng anvil high-anxious evening.
Kui government isolated city sun_set_ ramp, each bucket according to Wang Jing Hua Nan.
Listen to tears three times under real ape, Feng Shi Cha virtual with August.
V pillow paintings violated provincial incense, Mountain House, Hidden sad Jia pink battlements.
See the stone vines month, has been mapped before Chau Lo Tik flowers.
Thousands of Shan Guo Zhaohui, Jiang floor sitting Cuiwei day.
The destination Fisherman's also broad, clear autumn swallow it Feifei.
Kuangheng CONSOLID fame thin, Liu Xiang pass on their minds violation.
Young students do not take cheap, light Wuling Chevalier from fat.
Wen Chang Road, like chess, a hundred years very sad things.
Raja Dizhai all new primary, civil and military attire different yore.
Zhen Guan Shan Ku straight north, Zheng Xi Yu traveling book late.
Long cold lonely Autumn River fish, native country level home but gorgeous.
Penglai palace of Nanshan, Cheng Lu Chin fearless room.
Review Of Jade Pool down the Queen Mother, the East Purple full letter off.
Clouds Move open Zhiwei Gong Shan, at around the Dragonscale know holy face.
Cangjiang a surprise year-end lying a few Huiqing trivial point toward classes.
Qutang mouth Qujiang head, then Su Qiu, Wind and Smoke Miles.
City Link Royal Air calyx folder, Hibiscus Court, into the edge of a small depression.
Wong Wai-chu Hu bead embroidery, Kam cable from the White Gull tooth wall.
Looking back on the poor singing and dancing, the Qin emperor in the ancient state.
Han, Kunming water power, flags in the eyes of the Emperor.
Weaver machine wire Xu Yeyue, stone whale scales moving autumn.
Shen Yun black wave drift wild rice, cold dew falling lotus pink.
However, most days of the relevant plug Bird Road, rivers and lakes all over the floor of a Fisherman.
Kun wu Yu Su from the meandering, purple shade into the U.S. House Peak Pei.
More than parrots pecking grain aromatic rice, the old Phoenix Chi Biwu habitat.
Woman Found in spring relative to Q Cui, more night shift Xianlv same boat.
Weather was dry brush past, Bai Touyin look hard falls.
  Autumn has come, Frost Maple, Maple Leaf withering decline, Wushan Wu Gorge along the bleak dark. Monstrous waves in the river gorge, it seems like groaning came out with the Bay, is probably the frontier arms' and then dragged it to the floor of the chi. Ju twice to open, he is still wandering away from home, can not help weeping, the lonely boat, but also miss the hometown of growth lines with a heart ah! It was getting cold, always been working towards moving knife-foot winter in warm clothing, the height of the evening came from the Baidicheng clothes of Zhenchu rapid pounding sound.
  Baidicheng in the thousands of families quietly Zhaohui bathed in autumn, I went to the river every day, the upstairs, sit across the green mountain. Consecutive nights to spend the night fishermen on board, still glowing boat drifting in the river, though already a clear autumn season, the swallows are still flying wings, to the Emperor Han Kuangheng Zhijian, he can see very weak fame , Liu Xiang to teach classics, persevering do not CRITICAL CARE. The ancients like this, I really do not have to say, when young students to study together are Apprentice big, and they are near the five-Chang Ling, wearing furs, had fat horses, live rich lives.
  Penglai Palace, facing the towering Zhongnanshan, Cheng Lu tray of Kim Joo-high stands on the sky between. Review Of Jade Pool, Queen Mother of suspected human landing from the east to the good fortune Purple full Hangu Pass. Emperor Powerbut to impaired surface Zhiwei lupine slowly away, sunlight in the emperor wearing clothes embroidered with Interfax, the shining, I was fortunate to see the saint's face. Themselves confined to bed Cangjiang, wake up, surprised to find that old age has been year-end, several second thought Qing Suo palace, also points toward the class had ah!
  (1) Autumn: Autumn invigoration.
  (2) Yulu: refers to the cream.
  (3) Wushan Wu Gorge: these two are in Wushan County, Sichuan Province today.
  (4) River Room: means the Wu Gorge. Also: Even.
  (5) Two open: two open. Future: past.
  (6) a series: long lines.
  (7) Knife Size: refers to a tool for the clothes.
  (8) Baidicheng: Fengjie County in Sichuan Province today. Anvil: pounding cloth stone.
  (1) Cuiwei: blue mountains.
  (2) The letter places: places again.
  (3) Kuangheng: word Ya Gui, Han people. CONSOLID: refers to the courtiers have resisted for Junming or Tingyi, memorial very remonstrance.
  (4) Liu Xiang: the word sub-government, the Han Dynasty by the scientists.
  (5) Light fertilizer: the furs fat horse.
  (1) Penglai: Palace name. Nanshan: Zhongnanshan.
  (2) Cheng Lu: the bearing plate exposed. Chin: _Insert_.
  (3) Zhiwei: refers to pheasant (pheasant) tail when made for the emperor towards a barrier surface for lupine.
  The seven:
  (1) Kunming Pool: Han, the open water war between Emperor exercises.
  (2) Weaver: Weaver refers to stone. Night Moon needs: air-to-Night Moon.
  (3,) stone whale: a whale stone chisel.
  (4) wild rice: also known as mushroom dish, that is, the white diamond.
  (5) Lotus Room: Lianpeng. Falling pink: refers to the lotus withers.
  (6) Bird Road: birds of the Road, described the hard-line road advantageous.
  【Home】 Pingxi the home level
  】 【Kuangheng current affairs as Prime Minister Han Kuangheng respect, and respect of being demoted.
  Liu Xiang Liu Xiang】 【pass on and make Jiuqing, the authors wish to pass on the turbulent times is rather different.
  Childhood】 【old students of various youth
  【】 Kunming pool opened by Han, Emperor Wu of the Department naval exercises. Whale in the pool for stone quarry, each to the wind and rain, the scales are fixed. And chisel Cowboy, Weaver when the machine shape. Rebellion was here that, so wild rice, lotus scattered.
  Autumn First, Third, Fifth, the seven elected to the thousands of poems
  "Autumn Moods" eight big calendar year (766) Fifty-year-old living in Du Fu's works when Kuizhou. It is eight reelected, structured, deep and sincere group of Seven lyrical verses, the poet in his later years reflects the thoughts and feelings and artistic achievements.
  Shih continued for eight years, to Guangde first year (763), when they come to an end, and Tibetan, Uighur take advantage of the Military squad separatism, war from the time of the Tang dynasty is difficult to revival. At this point, Yan Wu's death, Du Fu, in Chengdu, loss of life go by, then east along the river, the stranded Kuizhou. Old age and sick poet, familiar scattered, aspirations blighted, state of mind is very lonely, depressed. "Autumn" This group of poems and into the autumn cast a Kuizhou depression, desolate clearing the Qiusheng, the plight of sick old age, care about the fate of the soulful, tragic bleak, dark mood Wing.
  To understand the structure of these poems, must first make a brief description of its contents. The first is a prelude to the first group of poems, Wushan Wu Gorge in Autumn by Autumn Sound on the image description, express a gloomy Xiaosen, turbulent atmosphere, people feel he could feel the autumn Qiusheng Surprised obsession with the poet of love and loneliness of depression sense. The first straight to the point, lyrical scenery, magnificent, strong feelings. Poetic implement the "open future, the two tears Cong Ju, boat and a series of hometown heart" two up and down start the second, three. The second person in the isolated city's first poetry, the evening from sun_set_ to sit overnight, eagerly north, night insomnia, should be the first song. The last two sentences, focusing almost write their own old age, Bingge rest, confined to bed lonely Autumn, and are in JN, heart Weibei, "each according to Wang Jing Hua Bei Dou", showing a strong memory of Chang. Write the first dawn of the third Kui House, is the second extension of the first. River House, the poet sitting alone day after day, fall air clear, quiet river color, and this quiet was brought to the annoyance of the unrest. Contradictions faced, deeply lamented that her life did not. The fourth is a group of poems before and after the first transition. The first three poems of depression anxiety pressing harder and harder, thus revealing only their central content, access to "each according to Wang Jing Hua Compass," the core: Changan like "chess" as he wins this fight, erratic. Personnel changes, discipline of the collapse, and the Uighur, Tibetan invasion successive years, all the poets feel great fortunes as it once was. Du said, the Chang'an is not an abstract geographical concepts, he lived in the Tang Dynasty, the political center of a decade, firmly embedded in the heart are attached, a love, to laugh, but also full of "hidden sad happiness" of the depression. When this country dilapidated, cold Autumn, personal lonely on the occasion, the familiar sight of Chang'an, one by one surfacing. The "old country home look a gift horse flat" one single out the following four. Fifty-first, depicting the magnificent towering palace Chang, Zaozhao solemn scene, and he had had "knowledge holy face," has cited as happy memories. On the occasion of Cangjiang ill in bed, late autumn dark age, more touched his obsession with the situation. The first song bringing back memories of the old imperial sixth Banquet Qujiang bustling place. Emperor Yi Le Banquet drew endless "side of melancholy", Qing Song Man Wu, ruined the "ancient imperial state", in deep regret among the implied rebuke was intended. Recalling Chang'an seventh Kunming first pool, then national prosperity, the Tang Dynasty show, spectacular scenery and abundant resources of the spectacular. The eighth year in the first performance poet kun wu, Yu Su, Pei ripple poetic sentiments spring outing. "Brushes past dry weather had" more profound lasting impression.
  Eight poems is an indivisible whole, as a large movement of the same eight songs lyric. The ballad to worry about the rise and fall of national patriotism read the theme of bleak autumn to kui House, the poet's old age and sick, wandering life experience, especially concerned about the safety of the motherland as the tone of the heavy mood. Interspersed with light and joy during a lyric such as "Girl Found Jade Spring Phase asked the same boat Xianlv more night shift"; a magnificent uninhibited, full of pride in the description, such as Chang'an palace, Kunming recount of pool water; the performance of emotional generosity grief , such as "Young students do not take cheap, light from the Wuling clothes horse manure"; there is a very gloomy keyed the chant, such as "Off Road stuffed birds but most days, rivers and lakes all over the floor of a Fisherman", "Bai Touyin look hard falls "and so on. To a performance poet of loneliness and unrest, its colors are not the same. "Jiang days between the waves and Chung, stuffed with ground situation yin" to the heroic, Hong Kuo wrote sadness; "the destination Fisherman's also broad, clear autumn swallow it Feifei", to elegant, quiet write "cut, and chaotic" not a calm state of mind. In short, eight each in the capital of the performance of their own unique way, the performance from different angles, the ideological tone of emotions. They are in the eight in each of the first is support each other to form a whole. This not only makes the whole lyrical intricate, rich, and self-assured, has opened a whole family, highlighted the performance of the theme. Wang Chuan-shan said this: "Eight is changed, such as rotary phase, Qi Yin Palace and self-contained chapters, or fragmented, then the air of lost carry on." ("Tang shan suicide note named" IV)
  "Autumn Moods" Eight Poems of Du Fu in stark contrast to techniques used in addition, the repeated cycle of use of the lyrical way to introduce readers to the realm of poetry. Poems of the schema is government by the Kui Wang Chang ─ ─ "each according to Compass Wangjing China." Poems of the hub is "Qutang mouth Qujiang head, thousands of miles then Su Qiu Wind and Smoke." Qujiang Qutangxia Koudao from head, quite different distance of the poem to "accept" the word, the customer Shu Wang Jing, Here and now, worry about the safety of nations ... ... woven into a variety of complex and profound feelings of magnificent art realm. The first cluster from the front of the first open contact Daisy "hometown." Remembrance of "homeland" of meditation has been around dusk anvil Baidicheng interrupted by the sound. This is the middle from the government to Chang Kui, Kui House and from Chang'an back and forth. Second song by Kui isolated city government according to the orientation of the Big Dipper Looking to Chang'an, to listen to Gap in Yuanti, think of the "painting Province incense." This is two back and forth. Contact Pina memories, but also by the sadness of the ancient city of Jia Kui the government wake up. This is the third and forth. Although mainly express the third miserable first Yu uneven, but the poem "Five Hills clothes horse manure from the light," the government still has to Chang Kui reciprocating. Fourth, five, one to write more than a decade of turmoil Chang, a palace of the grand Chang'an writing are memories start with the beginning of Chang, Kui in the last two sentences back to the government. Sixty-first, from the Qutang Koudao Qujiang head, thousands of miles from the current Wind and Smoke, think of the last song and dance downtown. Kunming, the first water bringing back memories of the seventh Tang martial arts, back to the current "off days, but Bird Road pole plug," the cold shoulder. Article first, from Chang's "kun wu ... ..." back to "Baitou Yin Wang," the reality is reciprocating. The cycle is "Autumn," the basic expression, but also its characteristics. Kui Chang writes, whether from government or from the recall Kui Chang and attributed to the government, from different angles, deeper layers, not only have no sense of repetition, but also for deepening feelings, enhanced the role of artistic appeal, so it can be said is "no slightest regret, waves of aging and independence" ("Present a ten Jian Yi Yun") of the.
  Scene of harmony and unity, is a lyric poem is extremely important aspect. "Autumn Moods" eight can be said is an excellent example. Such as "waves and inter-day River Bay, stuffed with ground situation Yin", the waves were turbulent, as if the days are turning; Wushan situation, and under the ground, like yin and the underground phase. From the next and the previous sentence, after the take over from the previous sentence. Monstrous waves, the situation Zade, the gas filled in the fall Xiaosen among Wushan Wu Gorge. We feel that the image of these two powerful, rich, open mood. Not simply reproduce the poet saw his heard, nor is it simply portray The river rapids, stuffed situation, the Three Gorges of the physical characteristics of deep autumn, the poet to capture their inner spirit, and give the river, the situation some kind of character. This is heaven and on earth, Jiang relations between the plug, is full of convulsions Hailang turbulent; Depression Yinhui, not the sun. This image expresses the poet's extreme anxiety and chest Concerned thrashing of Yu Bo injustice, but also a symbol of the state of variation of the situation disturbed impermanence and tottering Wei's future. Two lines into the valley late autumn, the poet and the National Sangluan personal life experience are included. The characteristics of both the master scene and took their own life experience into the most profound feelings of mix, with the most vivid, most performance out of general language ability, so there will be a scene of life, and the author will attempt to show there feelings annexed Korea. Love for King and was, King with feelings and deep. Jane fan of the Italian language, mood depression and mood open (meaning no stiffness, no stenosis). Su said: "The poetry poem must certainly know that non-poet" ("King of the main book written by Yanling two sprays paint"), is really knowledgeable, there is the voice of experience.
  Du Fu lived in Chengdu, in the "Village" in that "since last unsolicited classroom Yan," from the self-dwelling swallows cottage to unsolicited, performance poet, summer village environment where the quiet river, shows the poet, after wandering, stability of the early lives were temporarily feeling comfortable stretch. In "Autumn," the third track, the same YAN Fei, the poet said: "Swallow it Feifei clear autumn." Poet, River House, sitting in a day, looking bored in the upper and lower elegant swallow, swallow the words go, as if deliberately ridiculed the poet can not go, so it deliberately go flying around. An "it", which show the poet under the angry up_set_ feelings. Another example is the "mouth of Qujiang Qutangxia head, thousands of miles then Su Qiu Wind and Smoke", Qutang in Kui Prefecture East, near the place where the poet, Qujiang in the southeast of Chang'an, is the thinking of the land. Huang, "Du said,": "He has two clear thinking here to the ear, but only scenery. Du to the of the Department, the King that love also" is, after all subtlety language. To as "City Link Royal Air calyx folder, Hibiscus Court, into the edge of a small worry," the Implications and; "Long Lonely Autumn River fish cold" write autumn and self-evident; "See the stone vines month, has been before the Ludi mapping Island flowers" Pure is the scenery, the situation was among them. Examples of such scenes, eight in everywhere.
  "Autumn" Eight, the intertwined with cold desolate late autumn, the mood of loneliness tragically broken and the country's decline. The usual formulation, always use some more clear, desolate, disabled, waiting for word. However, in Du Fu's poems in this, but greater use of the gorgeous, beautiful words and phrases to write the fall of sorrow. At first glance seem very different and poetic mood, but they cleverly get rid of the poet, the contrast was more powerful out of depression and feelings of autumn scene of desolation. Such as "Penglai palace," "Jade Pool," "Purple," "cloud moved Zhiwei", "Day around the Dragonscale", "bead curtain embroidered column", "Jin Qiang cable teeth", "Emperor flags" " Weaver Machine Wire, "" Girl Found Tsui "," Xianlv same boat "... ... can cause a beautiful association, through the words glow bright luster. However, in Du Fu's pen, these words are used to _set_ off the desolate and lonely, with words of courage, for only human, the the mood of the deep, and people are only human being everywhere. This cacophony of coordination, lack of uniformity of the uniform, not only intact in the complete image and mood, but more often than words with coordinated to write, produce more intense artistic effect. As with "laugh" to write sad than with "Tears" is much more difficult to write sad, but if written well, put thoughts and feelings is far more profound and powerful. Liu Xie in the "Wen Xin Diao Long" and "Lai speech" referred to articles in the dual when he said "no" than "being" is superior. The advantages are in the "special interest in co-management" to obtain a reverse complementary to each other, deepen the charm, rich content of the active role. The use of the words luxury, performance scene sadness, depression, is also a "special interest reason together", it can be said based on the scenario at a higher blend. During the harmony, but also in deeper, more complex contradictions mood unity.
  Some people think that Du Fu Shu, the poems that are no longer pre-Majestic, strong Chi's feelings. In fact, the poet did not depressed at this time, but living conditions of different thoughts and feelings more complex and deep the. In terms of artistic expression, the long life of exercise and the creation of experience, a further increase compared to early or rich, "Autumn" is proof.
  (Feng Zhongyun)

Created by: 晓松
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