唐代 杜甫 Du Fu  唐代   (712~770)
Thoughts of Old Time V
A Long Climb
A Hearty Welcome to Vice-prefect Cui
A Spring View
The Eight-sided Fortress
On a Moonlight Night
A Song of War-chariots
Poetic Thoughts on Ancient Sites II
Autumn 8
Spring and 5
Above the ancient 3
Qian xing 5
The Temple of the Premier of Shu
Wang Yue Huashan Mountain
Wang Yue another anme for the Heng Mountain
From an Upper Story
On the Gate-tower at Youzhou
sing of one's feelings
On Meeting Li Guinian Down the River
Remembering my Brothers on a Moonlight Night
Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

Registration with the gentlemen Jionji Tower

   Du Fu

High standard across the sky, no time off gale.
Kuang persons from non-pregnant, Dengzi turned a hundred worries.
Know the teaching force as the foot can be traced deep search.
Yang snakes through caves, before a branch stays quiet.
Seven families in the North, opposing powers Sheng Xi flow.
Xi and whip the day, Shaohao line clear autumn.
Qinshan suddenly broken, Jingwei not make.
But looking down together, and how can distinguish imperial state?
Looking back is called Shun, Cangwu cloud Zhengchou.
Xizai Yao Chi Yin, Yan Kun Lunqiu day.
Huang Hu to rest, whine how the vote?
To see with the Yang Yan Jun, Liang rice each plot.
  This poem, Du Fu in Tianbao XI contains (752) written in the fall registration Mercy Temple. Cien Temple is a Tang Emperor for his mother when Prince was built, it said "Mercy", was built in twenty-one year Zhenguan (647). Yong Hui Xuan Zang in the tower is three years (652) construction, said the Big Wild Goose Pagoda, a total of six. Dazu first year (701) reconstruction, increased to seven, in this south-east of Xi'an. This poem has a self-note: "When Gao, Xue, according to first have this for." In addition, the Frontier, Chu Xi also wrote a poem. Du Fu's theme song is the same volume of the Poems for the pressure.
  "High standard across the sky, no time off gale." Poetic language of a strange start to the sudden, extraordinary spirit. And do not say that high standard tower, reminiscent of Zuo Si, "Shu Du Fu" in the "Yang birds back to the wing almost high standard" sentence of the sky depicted in the tree line, but also think of Li Bai, "Quiet Night" in "on There are six dragon back to the days of high standard "described by sentence towering peak. Here, by "high standard" made a very high tower. Do not say heaven and say, "sky", that lays out the planetarium dome shape. With a "cross", which is working with "sky" tight joint. Days is the dome-shaped, so you can "cross" in it. This high was not enough exaggeration to write, but also leads to "Gale" to _set_ off. Wind "strong" and "no time off", but also see the high tower. "Since non-Kuang Shi Huai, Dengzi turned a hundred worries", two words pregnant euphemism, not without cynical of money. Poets do not say can not stand the winds bluster and fear caused by a hundred, but pushed further, he said he as broad-minded people in so Seiitsu elegance, a plethora of overlooking the Divine, mixed feelings, from the endless rolling concerns in mind. At that time the surface of the Tang Dynasty, or songs and dances, in fact, has been be_set_ with crises. Gale was born of a hundred worries, thoughts and feelings to this political crisis is located. Deep worry much consideration, the other for the gentlemen can not match.
  Overlooking the next write can see, which led to feelings, is the focus of the whole chapter. "Qinshan suddenly broken, Jingwei not make. Looking down, but together, how can he distinguish imperial state?" The poet to write with a plethora of findings in the scenery of some sustenance. Qinshan means Zhongnanshan and Qinling, looking over the plains, only to see a piece of green Cang, and in the tower overlooking the mountains and the size of the phase complex, ups and downs, the earth seems to be cut into many pieces. Jing water turbidity, Wei Qing, however, looked from the tower can not tell which is the Jing River, which is the Wei River, voicing confusion. Look at Wong states (ie, the capital of Chang'an), only to see the dim one. This four evening scene of writing, yet another implication, points to a broken, regardless of voicing, Kyoto hazy, political dark. This is and "a hundred worries" echoed. "Chronicle": "(Tianbao XI contains) on (reign) Chengping count on old age, may worry that the world is not complex, then hiding the ban, the exclusively sensual self-entertainment, the Committee noted the conduct of public affairs at (Li) Lin Fu. Lin Fu-mei do so, meet at the Italian to their pet fixed. eliminate the words road, masking wise, to become the evil; jealous Yin disease can, volleyball wins restraining himself, in order to maintain its position; repeated from the big prison, to punish by Gui Chen, its potential to Zhang. "" Where in the phase nineteen years, to develop a world of chaos. "Fu have seen this, so there are a hundred worries from the past.
  The following eight is the sense of things. Precisely because the court political darkness, and dangerous, and so the memorial Emperor era. "Looking back is called Shun, Cangwu cloud Zhengchou." Tower in the southeast area of Chang'an, Chang'an above overlooking the Northwest-oriented, and now South Point Cangwu, so to "look back." Gaozu No. God Emperor Yao, Emperor Taizong by the Zen, it said Shun. Shun was buried Cangwu than Taizong of the Zhao Mausoleum. Yun Zheng Chou, writing as if a cloud over Zhao Ling Tang is also a political dizzy to worry about. A "call", which is to write Fu Ching Ming era of profound political Taizong miss. Recovery under the two past, leads to ask this: "Xizai Yao Chi Yin, Yan Kun Lunqiu day." Yao Chi Yin, "Biography," volume IV, note the King Mu of Zhou, "Origin of the West Queen Mother on the Jade Pool," "Lie Zi King Mu of Zhou "said King Mu of Zhou" l Kunlun Hill "," bin at the Queen Mother then, feast on the Jade Pool, "" is the view of the date of entry. " Here, by means Emperor and Yang Lishan Mountain in the banquets, live a dissolute life. Japanese Yen with the sun, chaos metaphor Tang will fall into crisis. This echoed the same four Qinshan broken, representations of the pregnant hundred worry. Precisely because of the conduct of public affairs to the Li Linfu reign, Li Pai suppression elite, and the "yellow swan to rest, whine how the vote." Elite personnel are excluded one by one, had to leave the court, as did Huang Hu and nowhere to defect to whine. Finally, the poet writes with indignation: "Look with Yang Yan Chun, each rice sorghum plot" to denounce people like those in power, like the migratory birds as the sun warm Zhuanxi they simply make a living themselves, chasing gains.
  The poem has King affectionate, meaningful. Qian said: "The high standard Gale, Dengzi hundred worries, Jiji almost a drift wave analysis of the fear of collapse, is also from Xing. Jingwei not make, Chang can not be identified, so looking back and thinking called Shun," "Jade Pool Japanese Yen, made the world will be chaotic, but not for the pleasures of the ordinary also ", which explains the whole chapter will. Because of this, the poem a poet writing in an important early works.
  Of: Zhou Zhenfu
  Du Fu wrote realistic circumstances, how being in the real circumstances of Du Fu as metaphorical? Here we revisit one of his song "Mercy of the same gentlemen Teng Temple." "Gentlemen," some friends of Du Fu. "Mercy Temple" is the Big Wild Goose Pagoda in Xi'an, is said to be the mother of Tang Emperor was built in his honor, so called "mercy." This poem has an original note said, "the GAO Shi, Xue, according to the first, there have been." In fact, at that time and wrote poetry in addition to a plethora of high fitness, according to Xue, and Frontier, and Chu Guangxi. Frontier's "participation" and the words have different pronunciations. Shen, a student of Confucius as the "reference" read as "deep", so the West, when many people regard the Frontier in the translation of the "reference" also spelled "deep" in the pronunciation. However, according to research, the word should not be read as "deep" and should be read as "meal." Frontier has been writing articles for his ancestors, said many people are involved in Gongqing the bit, they want him home, but also to participate in Gongqing the bit, so named Frontier. This is the way mentioned. Cen Shen and Gao is famous Tang Dynasty poet, each of them wrote a plethora of poems, so you have to compare. Write the same mountain, Wang wrote what kind of mountain, Du Fu wrote what kind of mountain, even better is to write what Tao Mountain. Tao said, "take Ju Dong, leisurely to see the mountain. Rixi good mountain air, bird phase also. Herein are Zhenyi, has forgotten words," ("Drinking Poems"), then later to write ji a "Thinking of You," the words said, "returns of Huang Ju, while you're a Tori. leisurely affairs to be the word of the poem long back laughing." Han Yu Han back of the Tang Dynasty wrote a song "Nanshan Poem", a total of more than two sentences, charge the rising tone, "a" rhyme, the words used are fanciful, all poems are piling up in the description. But they were also written Shan Tao is simply not that largely the description of people is to seize the "leisurely" two words "Mining Ju Dong, leisurely to see the mountain," how well! Huang bloom every year, but while you're being written to Huang Shan is so leisurely and not only one Tao it? Tao's poem is really good, you look at the spring he wrote: "Margaret Yu Shan Di, Yu-Xiao warm slightly. Wind from the south wing of He Emerging Artists." Kind of life, natural, not such a boast air Du Fu the force, and its own kind of spiritual realm is very sublime. So this is really between the poet and the poet is very different. Now we're saying is Du Fu's poetry, we say they are being a realist, "as the metaphor" means. That is, his poems are not like "throwing Yu Chi Chuan training diving" write-only eyes and ears of the perception, his poetry has his blog inside views and ideas, the children of his personality, spiritual emergence, hence of that higher level of "Imagery" in nature. "Further notes on Du Fu's" behind the poem cited in the Qing Qian's comments, said: "At the same time a plethora of gentlemen, each Ode. Xue has been lost, according to verse; Cen, two for storage, air show, ironing, worthy famous; High Dove out of the net reduction, character grouped Qing Jian. Shaoling the lattice method rigorous, weather towering, tragic syllable, and pitch advanced the King's apparent Heritage and the knowledge, life experience of feeling pregnant, did not dare to make music chapter, so overwhelm Wise people enough, the male as carry on through the ages. "In fact, on board Mercy Temple, the Frontier is also a good poem is written, such as the beginning he was:" towers such as the potential emission, lone towering temple. board of the world, Deng Dao disk empty. obtrusive pressure Divine, towering like a ghost workers. quadrangular obstacle day, seven Moroccan sky. The next glimpse of that high-birds, overlooking heard of irritability. "He said that Mercy Temple Bay from the ground out of isolated straight Song, seems to have been _insert_ed into the Temple. He said that I boarded the Mercy Temple down the sidelines, like the earth in the earth outside clinical look; follow the ladder of the tower to go up one level, it seems to go to the emptiness. He said this tower pressure in the earth, rugged look that is simply uncanny, how people have the power to create such a tower! He said the four corners of the tower, as if the sun can stop living; the tower's top seven in the sky close to the sky. We want to look up on the ground that the birds fly, but to the Mercy of the Temple and saw the birds that fly in your feet. We looked down to high altitude winds can hear the sound. All in all, this poem written Frontier is also useful weather, but his written throughout, but this tower is a tall boast just amazing. Du Fu, and he so different? Well, we now see Du Fu poem:
  High standard across the sky, no time off gale. Kuang persons from non-pregnant, Dengzi turned a hundred worries. Know the teaching force as the foot can be traced deep search. Yang snakes through caves, before a branch stays quiet. Seven families in the North, opposing powers Sheng Xi flow. Xi and whip the day, Shaohao line clear autumn. Qinshan suddenly broken, Jingwei not make. But looking down together, and how can distinguish imperial state. Looking back called Yao and Shun, Cangwu cloud Zhengchou. Xizai Yao Chi Yin, Yan Kun Lunqiu day. Huang Hu to rest, whine how the cast. To see with the Yang Yan Jun, Liang rice each plot.
  "High standard", is a very high place a logo, you come all the way to see it. Like the World Trade Center in New York would have a logo, but now has disappeared. Fu said that the Mercy Temple has always been high into the sky, and in this tower on top, always in fierce wind blowing, not an hour is stopped. Just like others do not like this at the beginning. Like Frontier "tower such as the potential emission, solitary tall sky" just to write the high tower, and Du Fu's "gale no time off," There is a restless feeling. So it leads down to the "Kuang persons from non-pregnant, Dengzi turned a hundred worries" - I do not harbor the kind of indifference to the world, Goldsmith was born in the bosom, so I climbed to this tower, I feel that the strong winds, it caused a lot of worries in my heart. "Know the teaching force as the foot can be traced deep search" and "like religion" is that we are talking about religion. Religion is often based on the image to attract and move people, like the Catholic and Christian crosses, icons, like Buddha and Buddhist murals, so he said, as to teach. Tower is a Buddhist tower, Fu said that I now see the tower know the power of Buddhism, but they could have been _insert_ed into heaven, through invisible things are unknowable - that leads to heaven and earth spirits and other than real things. "Yang snakes through caves, before a branch stays quiet." "Snakes Cave" refers to the inside of the tower, because the layers inside the tower to climb, always hovering to rotate wildly, like snakes. "Branch support" refers to the layers below the tower's supporting columns are staggered, he said, climbing up a long time before I climbed the dark is not the bottom of the window, the window from inside the tower head out look. Seen? See "Seven families in the North, opposing powers Sheng Xi flow", the Big Dipper in the window, like the Milky Way have heard the sound of movement. - This is a high tower to write. "Xi and whip the day, Shaohao line clear autumn." "Xi and" The driver is for the sun god, he used the whip to catch the sun's car go so fast, going to the sun_set_. "Shaohao" is the God of autumn, and now he has been in the exercise of his line of seasonal autumn. This is to say? "Xi and whip the day" the sun goes down, "Shaohao line Kiyoaki" is the year will do, this is from his "Dengzi turned a hundred worries" cited out. He worries about? What is almost sun_set_? What it has to fall? He did not say that. He said he saw "Qinshan suddenly broken, Jingwei not make." It would have been a plethora of realistic looks down. Qin mountainous, you are in the ground the whole point of the mountain, but you in the tower above, looking down, saw a number of a hill, so is "Qinshan suddenly broken." "Jing Wei" is a water and Wei Jing, these two distinct water voicing. But you posted on the tower, you know this too close to water and greywater to come. Tempo in the reign of the era, the war has been going up. When we have yet to see the danger, still indulge in the pleasure of the Golden Age, when the sensitive poet Du Fu to his already foreseen Luanli is coming. Emperor Yang Guozhong appointment, appointment Li Linfu, even inside the court is not able to distinguish between good and evil, Xian Yu, while the war outside the court has to explosive proportions. This "Qinshan suddenly broken, Jingwei not make" realistic scenes are written, but in reality there has been the scene reminds us of the political situation at that time. "But looking down together, how can he distinguish imperial state" is still looking down from the tower. He said I looked down to see the whole earth a smoke and fog, where is located the city of Chang'an has been resolved does not come out. This is much like "Everlasting Regret" had said, "looking down unseen at the back, but could not see the dust cloud Chang." So below he said, "Looking back called Shun, Cangwu cloud Zhengchou." "Shun", referring to the emperor. Yao Shun is affected by the demise, and Emperor Li Yuan is affected by the demise of his father, so the "Shun" Metaphor. Taizong era of the "Golden Years" is the history of Chinese feudal society, one of the best of times. However, "Cangwu" Shun the burial place is, here is alluding to the Zhao Mausoleum Emperor. In fact, this is also a plethora of writing seen afar. Looking at the tower, he said the direction of Zhao Ling, only to see a piece of the dismal clouds. But the description of the scene reminiscent of the: Emperor of the time has passed, those good memories will never come back. "Xizai Yao Chi Yin, Yan Kun Lunqiu Day" with the King Mu of Zhou Yao Chi banquets in the West the story of the Queen Mother, and he has to reflect the fact reign of the gods and the favor seeking Yang. "Huang Hu to rest, whine how the vote" is to say, fly the yellow swan fly in, they whine a fly there to go? This is also seen on the tower, but you know, now held the world does not accept the yellow swan fly away bird, now the world accept that? Is "watching with Yang Jun Yan, Liang rice each seeking." Right now you look at these individuals in general, they like the geese to follow the sun, where warm to where to go, where there is food to go. All the people are short-sighted, are the pursuit of practical utility, which person has the pursuit of lofty as yellow swan? "Look with Yang Yan Chun, each rice sorghum plot", we only seek their own food and clothing, but our country how to do it? Our vision how to do it? This is Du Fu's poetry with the poetry of ordinary people are different. His views and his Chi into his ideas were written into the landscape, so although the realism, but many places of his nature as metaphor.
  Of: Jiaying

【Source】 卷216_21

Edited by: 戴玨
補充一些背景資料:  戴玨  2008-03-28 15:00:14
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