唐代 杜甫 Du Fu  唐代   (712~770)
Thoughts of Old Time V
A Long Climb
A Hearty Welcome to Vice-prefect Cui
A Spring View
The Eight-sided Fortress
On a Moonlight Night
A Song of War-chariots
Poetic Thoughts on Ancient Sites II
Autumn 8
Spring and 5
Above the ancient 3
Qian xing 5
The Temple of the Premier of Shu
Wang Yue Huashan Mountain
Wang Yue another anme for the Heng Mountain
From an Upper Story
On the Gate-tower at Youzhou
sing of one's feelings
On Meeting Li Guinian Down the River
Remembering my Brothers on a Moonlight Night
Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

lavage Military forces Income made after Beijing

   Du Fu

ZTE Zhujiang close Shandong, Jie clear day with the daily book.
Canton River off rumors of a reed, Hu Pozhu in life in danger.
Ye City residue was only few days, the sole Shuofang infinite power.
Are devoting capital to ride horses, feed the meat Grape the Uigur Palace.
Wei Qing Hai Dai Hei Wong has often been thinking Kongtong cents battle.
Flute for three years in watching the mountains, before the vegetation, wind forces of nations.
Wanggong turn into big heart small, dark ages, Guo-phase plan less.
Szeto Ching Kam-hung mirror, the Book and the autumn air gone.
Jun Hao too out of two or three, when the economy to rectify things around.
East to go without re-Yi perch, flying south conscious of safety and nesting birds.
Youth into the complex with the crown, is resistant to the fireworks around the Forbidden.
Hsiao Feng Nian Ban crane equipment, cock sleep Lung Lau Xiao asked.
When Mo Panlongfufeng potential, to make the world into Hau Wong.
Thou shalt Mongolia Dili turned out, when the body does not allow for strong praise!
Off in both the left Xiao Chengxiang, Zhang ovary infratentorial reuse.
Zhang Jianghai off public life, eyebrows nine feet in length dark green.
Situation will be collected from appropriate case, supporting Britain Shi Zhi Liang of Policy.
Qingpao let alone a white horse? Hi again this week after the Han Chang.
Inches to feet all day to pay tribute Xiang Qi Shui struggle to get different.
I do not know what the country caused by the white ring, re-channel the mountains of silver urn.
Hermit songs off Rosie song, the word s Interpretation of Qing Song.
Tian Yu Xi looked dry, reminders everywhere Fuya spring species.
Qi Mo go lazy on the athletes, city Nansi women worry more than a dream.
Andhra warrior pull the Milky Way, do not wash Jiabing long!
  Do wash: one for the wash
  Today, readers in the poem, often feel realistic Famous works of many critical, and "Song" body poetry rare good conformation. Du Fu's "washing of troops and horses" seems to be an exception. Poem saying: "The word s Interpretation of Qing Song" (Southern DI Yuan Jia in the river, both the Qing Ji, Bao Zhao as "Qing Song," praise), the poem itself can be said to be enthusiastic, "He Qing Song. "
  Qianyuan poem in two years (759) Spring in February, the two capitals of the recover, the phase before the state was defeated, as in Luoyang. Situation is very good at counter-insurgency war, a great revival of hope in one fell swoop. So many happy wishes of the word poetry. All four turn the poem rhyme, rhyme twelve each, from as paragraphs.
  The first section (from "ZTE Zhujiang close Shandong" to "million military air before the grass"), a tribute to the war situation in God changed the originator. Tang Shi in "ZTE Zhujiang" (that is mentioned later Li, Guo and others) efforts, has been recovery, including Hebei, large tracts of land east of Huashan, news of frequent day and night. "Book of Wei River wide," says: "Who said that river wide flight of a reed", three words to beat the opposition to borrow easily, creating chaos in the history of the downfall of security has become "Pozhu" trend. At that time, Anqing Xu Kun Shou Ye City (that state, where this rule Anyang, Henan Province), Gu Yun "Ye City few days have only residual." Any revival of the great cause and good relationship great generals, "the sole Shuofang infinite power" is recognized and praised Guo Ziyi was Shuofang Jiedushi's position in the counter-insurgency war, and achievements, but also express a wish, hope and trust in Zhujiang court to Unlimited Restoration of the power play. More and more narrative, "the capital" two depict festive atmosphere of the victory with two display screen: Chang'an Avenue access to the officials, all of them riding horses produced in the name of the Borderland ("Ferghana horse"), too proud; assist in the work The Uighur active soldiers in the "Putao Palace" (Emperor Han taste feast Chanyu place to borrow.) much hospitality, eating and drinking. "餧 (fed) meat" like a vivid word description, written in a little shop blending of objective irony intended (the author is always opposed to Kill in Uighur). From the "Book Jie Night News" to this sentence, sentence meaning Jie Shen Ke war, the fast pace, few people could attend, but also seems to be Pozhu trend. The following means little twist, "has been hi Wong Wai Ching Hai-dai," a beam, and when the Hebei not fully recover, the words "clear Haidai" (Hai-dai, referring to the ancient Qing, Xu two states of the domain) is language in a measured;, "often think Sin battle over Kongtong "a start, the intention of warning tsung danger, do not forget Luanyu retreating, between the Kongtong (in this Pingliang West), the tough days. Immediately following the "three flute in" a joint, very briefly write the trauma of war. Shih three years, the flute pharynx Guanshan, soldiers scared vegetation, people suffering from Luanli suffering. This, together with the associated joint, precisely Reviewing the past, bitter experience, dripping tragic, ups and downs in the cheerful word for small, not blindly flow away, very self-assured of the cause, the mixed feelings of excitement and write. Hu Ying-lin said it is "three flute in" one UN "in a peaceful side Masayuki tune, and combine the brutal anger depression sad thought, ancient and modern Zhuang and the sentences are difficult." ("Poetry Tau" Kango)
  The second section (from "King of successful big heart turn into small" to "cock sleep Lung Lau Xiao Q"), then reverse the first chapter, "ZTE Zhujiang," the word, sentence parallelism to extravagance, Yu Li, Guo Ziyi, who addressed praise. "Cheng Wang," Li Yu in Tang that later, when the two capitals of the world recovered marshal military forces, "a small power switch big heart," and so on, into a tribute to his great merit more careful after. Guo Ziyi subsequently praised the strategy, a clear grasp Li Guangbi Stuart, Shang Wang Sili's lofty bearing. Four, the first two straight to Syria, after two minor metaphor, there is a change in the alignment shop above. Compliments to meet both the identity of each story, but also expressed Zhuo contributing cause of recovery, "Ho Chun" in reverence. "Jun Hao too out of two or three," meaning the total beam before, said they had to to re-universe, came into being. "East to go without complex," the following six for the "rectification when the economic course of events" and expand the description, from the whole world to the palace in celebration of the new weather, the tone light: those who play the highest official to celebrate, do not have to avoid chaos official position ( "Memories bass" turn with "Book of Jin" Han-Language); the civilian population can live and work, such as birds have their nests; spring, the downtown scene is toward the instrument of further integration with the back palace, the emperor and Shang Huang also implementation, "the Evening Morning Province" court stories. Hee faction up and down are consistent weather.
  This tone poem is a wish of praise, warm joyous, trade union by dripping, the kind of keen concern to the national destiny of the poet, full of optimism conveyed the feelings of faith, and it can be said, is a prospect of victory ode. Poem on the favorable situation for some of the adverse criticism and worries phenomenon, but does not affect the overall situation of the poet of excitement and optimism. Verse to loud voice, the magnificent words, romantic tone of exaggerated, expressing great joy and praise. Du Fu of the the "gloomy" and known for poetry, and Cipian called on Tu Do tune in antiquity.
  See from the art form, using the gorgeous rigorous, and both the length of the ancient Near the body's "Four bodies." Rhetoric-rich age support, dual neat, with typical precision cutting, forceful vast, the expression of joy and poetry entirely affordable. Poems rhyme, paragraph by paragraph ze swap; tone on the disease suddenly Xu suddenly, suddenly suddenly Xi Zhang, Rao frustrated in passionate in the cause, Qing Li sentences and words of the gas can and vigorous, to feel the ups and colorful reading, greatly enhance the poem's artistic appeal.
  Wang Du Song _select_ion, volume of advertised Cipian for the pressure to make (see "Wang Linchuan _set_" 大 four "after the old Du Preface"). It seems today that plenty of both to the emotions, the well junction essays, the "washing of troops and horses" are regarded as a masterpiece of Du Fu.
  (Zhou Xiaotian)

【Source】 卷217_21

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