现代中国 人物列表
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痖弦 Ya Xian(现代中国)杨唤 Yang Huan(现代中国)羊令野 Yang Lingye(现代中国)
林徽因 Lin Huiyin(现代中国)白萩 Bai Qiu(现代中国)管管 Guan Guan(现代中国)
老舍 Lao She
现代中国  (1899年2月3日1966年8月24日)
名: 舒庆春
字: 舍予
民族: 满族

散文集 leisurely corpus《报告》
诗歌文集 poetry corpus《老舍旧体诗》
小说评论 Novel review《老牛破车》
作家评传 Author critical biography《老舍自传》
乡土风情 native soil elegant demeanour《老张的哲学》
文学思考 literature apprehend《文学概论讲义》
都市生活 urbanism《文博士》
言情 describe loving stories (books)《二马》
战争 War of Resistance Against Japan《无名高地有了名》
军事生活 military life《四世同堂》
小说选集 novel anthology《集外》
现实百态 Realistic Fiction《骆驼祥子》
《蜕 Moult》
超现实小说 surrealism《猫城记》
儿童小说 Children's Story《小坡的生日》
中国话剧 Chinese Drama《西望长安》
《张自忠 Zhang Zhizhong》
《归去来兮 Homeward Bound》
《春华秋实 Fruitful》

阅读老舍 Lao She在小说之家的作品!!!
阅读老舍 Lao She在影视与戏剧的作品!!!
阅读老舍 Lao She在散文天地的作品!!!
阅读老舍 Lao She在百家争鸣的作品!!!
阅读老舍 Lao She在诗海的作品!!!
老舍(1899.2.3 -- 1966.8.24),满族,原名舒庆春,字舍予,生于北京。父亲是一名满族的护军,阵亡在八国联军攻打北京城的炮火中。母亲也是旗人.靠替人洗衣裳做活计维持一家人的生活。






Lao She (1899.2.3 - 1966.8.24), Manchu, formerly known as Shu Qingchun, character homes for, was born in Beijing. Father was a Manchu Hujun, died in the eight-artillery attack in Beijing. Mom banner. Restricted to washing clothes by doing manual labor to maintain a family life.

The summer of 1918, Lao She with excellent results from the Beijing Normal School graduate, was sent to Beijing to be president of the 17th primary school.

Lao She accepted the position of the summer of 1924, University of London Institute of Oriental Studies lecturer when Chinese. In the British literature during the start. Novel "s Philosophy" is the first work by July 1926 at "Short Story Monthly" magazine serials, and immediately shock literature. Been published after the novel "The Master said Zhao," and the "horse." Lao She laid a new literature as one of the pioneers status.

LAO She returned to China in 1930, worked in the University and Shandong University Qilu a professor. This period created the "Cat City," "Divorce," "camel like" and other novels, "Crescent Moon", "my life" and other novella, "Micro-God" and other short stories.

1944, creating nearly a million words of the full-length masterpiece, "Four Generations." He served as Quanguowenlian and the National Writers Association and Beijing Federation of Literary and Vice-Chairman of the NPC deputies and CPPCC Standing Committee.

In 1966, the Lao Lin unbearable insult to vote Lake suicide.

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