唐代 刘长卿 Liu Changqing  唐代   (?~791)
秋日登吴公台上寺远眺 Climbing in Autumn for a View from the Temple on the Terrace of General Wu
送李中丞归汉阳别业 A Farewell to Governor Li on his Way Home to Hanyang
饯别王十一南游 On Seeing Wang Leave for the South
寻南溪常山道人隐居 While Visiting on the South Stream the Taoist Priest Chang
新年作 New Year's at Changsha
江州重别薛六柳八二员外 On Leaving Guijiang Again to Xue and Liu
长沙过贾谊宅 On Passing Jia Yi's House in Changsha
自夏口至鹦鹉洲夕望岳阳寄源中丞 An Evening View of the City of Youzhou After Coming from Hankou to Parrot Island a Poem Sent to my Friend Governor Yuan
送灵澈上人 On Parting with the Buddhist Pilgrim Ling Che
弹琴 On Hearing a Lute-player
送上人 Farewell to a Buddhist Monk
逢雪宿芙蓉山主人 Every snow accommodation Hibiscus Mountain baas
送张起、崔载华之闽中 accompany Zhang qi _Set_ of central Fujian Hua Cui
秦系顷以家事获谤因出旧山每荷观察崔公见知…诗以赠之 Qin ji Are to Housekeeping Be defamatory because of the old mountain every load View Cui public see poetry to gift of knowledge
夜中对雪赠秦系,时秦初与谢氏离婚,谢氏在越 At night Gift of snow Qin ji During the early Qin and Xie Cure Family in Vietnam
湘妃 Xiang Concubine
斑竹 mottled bamboo
瓜洲道中送李端公南渡后,归扬州道中寄 Guazhou Road Accompany li duan After the return of public Nandu Yangzhou Road, Send
送张十八归桐庐 Send Zhang The number 18 Return Tonglu
听弹琴 Tin to play or strum a lute or other stringed instrument
古诗 ancient style poetry




【资料来源】 卷147_93
