唐代 刘长卿 Liu Changqing  唐代   (?~791)
zhōng dēng pèi xiàn lóuzèng biǎo xiōng guō shàofǔ Rain Teng Peixian county House gifts Cousin (surname) shaofu,officer's title in Tang dynasty
dōng wǎn qíngjiǎn tóng xíng xuē zhū xùn Ba River East Reaching Jane Colleague Zhu Xun Xue abandoned
duì zèng yīn shàofǔ kǎo chéng jiǎng shàofǔ jiān xiàn chéng xiōng nán huá 'èr xiōng On the rain Ma donated Jiyin Shaofu,officer's title in tang dynasty Kaw city Chiang Shaofu,officer's title in tang dynasty Five brothers and offered into South Huaer Xiong Wu
shì běi shǐ huízhì dōng jīng xiāng fǎng
zhōng wén tóng guān shī shǒuyīn fèng huái nán xiāo pàn guān Wuzhong News Tongguan Fall Send by Bong The middle part of anhui province desolate official
zhāng yuán wài gōng rén xiāng méi hóng zhōu) Cry Zhang Ministry councillor Following the public and Begum With views not in Hongzhou
dēng dōng hǎi lóng xīng gāo dǐng wàng hǎijiǎn yǎn gōng Teng east sea Longxing temple High Top hope Haijianyangong
fèng sòng cóng xiōng guān zhī huái nán
luò zèng yáng shì jiān bài yuán wài réng chōng 'ān pàn guān fàn yáng Yang Shiyu gifts and worship the Poor Ministry councillor Still sufficient security Doctor Official Go to Fan Yang
chū biǎn nán zhì yáng jiā yòu jiāng tíng Namba early derogatory to Poyang title Li jiayou Jiang Ting
yáng guān zhì huá yáng dòng hóu zūn shī cǎo tángjiǎn tóng yóu yán nián View from Ziyang to Huayang cave Su Hou Respect the teacher Thatched cottage Brief with You Li Yannian
fèng shǐ xīn 'ān tóng xiàn jīng yán líng diào tái tān xià shǐ yuàn zhū gōng Fengshi Xin'an self Tonglu county Pass through yan ling fishing table Seven mile beach accommodation Xiajishiyuanzhugong
qiū inscribe Tiger temple
fèng jiàn zhèng zhōng chéng zhè jié hái jīng Feng preserves Zheng zhongcheng Strike western Zhejiang Official Also in Beijing
sòng péi pàn guān jūn shì Send PEI 4 Official attend Hexi region Army test
dān yáng jùn kāng shì xuān wèi zhào jiān bié cén dān Place where one stays over night during a journey Tournament event Kangshi Yu, Danyang County To enlist or recruit (soldiers) And other Cen Single parent
shè zèng bié wéi jiǔ jiàn rèn nán wéi shí zào rèn zhèng xiàn jiù biàn jìn shěng Hotel Parting words Jian Wei 9 Go to take one's post Henan province (surname) Seventeen build Go to take one's post Cheng County At (your) convenience Kun Province
sòng yuán yóu nán You send dollars Runan
fènghè tóng píng shì tài xíng xíng jiān yuàn zhōng zhū gōng réng chéng wáng yuán wài Feng and (a surname) Doctor With Lu Appraise things through discussion extremely Hard line Hot-line and send the gentlemen still on the king in hospital ministry councillor
luò yáng zhù shū zhī chéng 'ēn xuǎn shǒu Luoyang Uncle knowledge and relay the main book To receive graces (from the emperor,etc.) Fuxuanfuci a (poem)
yuān sòng shàofǔ tīng liú bié Tiyuanjusong Shaofu,officer's title in tang dynasty hall give souvenir on parting
shè guān hòu jiāng hái jiù liú shì Officers will also stop old home photo Leaving speech Lishi Yu
zèng bié qún tóu 'ān Parting words The group voted to go to document Anxi
sòng xuē zǎi shè xiàn yǒng zhù zhì zhuàngxún xuǎn shòu guān) accompany Xue ju Slaughter Shè xiàn county Zhi-shaped main book from wing-lok Xunfuxuanshouciguan
duō shǒu yī yè
shī ancient style poetry
zhōng dēng pèi xiàn lóuzèng biǎo xiōng guō shàofǔ


  chǔ qiū gèng yuǎnyún léi yòu shí zuòwǎn bēi dài cán bái shuǐ hūn
   zhù shōu yān fēn rán jìng liáo kuòjuǎnlián gāo lóu shàngwàn kàn luò
   wéi pín gǎi xián jiā shàng zuó shān jīn jiàn niǎo tuō
   xiǎo cháng xián xiōng huàn gāo biāo qīng yún cāng jiāng
   huì 'ài yuán shàng qíngyīn qín qiū zhōng nuò dāng suì liáng yuànguī qīng shān guō

【zīliàoláiyuán】 juàn 149_67
