雨中登沛县楼,赠表兄郭少府 Rain Teng Peixian county House gifts Cousin (surname) shaofu,officer's title in Tang dynasty
灞东晚晴,简同行薛弃、朱训 Ba River East Reaching Jane Colleague Zhu Xun Xue abandoned
对雨赠济阴马少府考城蒋少府兼献成武五兄南华二兄 On the rain Ma donated Jiyin Shaofu,officer's title in tang dynasty Kaw city Chiang Shaofu,officer's title in tang dynasty Five brothers and offered into South Huaer Xiong Wu
李侍御河北使回,至东京相访 Li Shi A river used exclusively by the emperor North to Back to Tokyo With visit
吴中闻潼关失守,因奉寄淮南萧判官 Wuzhong News Tongguan Fall Send by Bong The middle part of anhui province desolate official
哭张员外继(公及夫人相次没于洪州) Cry Zhang Ministry councillor Following the public and Begum With views not in Hongzhou
登东海龙兴寺高顶望海,简演公 Teng east sea Longxing temple High Top hope Haijianyangong
奉送从兄罢官之淮南 Hand sb. sth. on a plate Sons of one's paternal uncles, who are older than oneself Dismiss from office S the middle part of Anhui Province
落第,赠杨侍御兼拜员外仍充安大夫判官赴范阳 Yang Shiyu gifts and worship the Poor Ministry councillor Still sufficient security Doctor Official Go to Fan Yang
初贬南巴至鄱阳,题李嘉祐江亭 Namba early derogatory to Poyang title Li jiayou Jiang Ting
自紫阳观至华阳洞,宿侯尊师草堂,简同游李延年 View from Ziyang to Huayang cave Su Hou Respect the teacher Thatched cottage Brief with You Li Yannian
奉使新安自桐庐县经严陵钓台宿七里滩下寄使院诸公 Fengshi Xin'an self Tonglu county Pass through yan ling fishing table Seven mile beach accommodation Xiajishiyuanzhugong
题虎丘寺 inscribe Tiger temple
奉饯郑中丞罢浙西节度还京 Feng preserves Zheng zhongcheng Strike western Zhejiang Official Also in Beijing
送裴四判官赴河西军试 Send PEI 4 Official attend Hexi region Army test
旅次丹阳郡,遇康侍御宣慰召募,兼别岑单父 Place where one stays over night during a journey Tournament event Kangshi Yu, Danyang County To enlist or recruit (soldiers) And other Cen Single parent
客舍赠别韦九建赴任河南韦十七造赴任郑县就便觐省 Hotel Parting words Jian Wei 9 Go to take one's post Henan province (surname) Seventeen build Go to take one's post Cheng County At (your) convenience Kun Province
送元八游汝南 You send dollars Runan
奉和李大夫同吕评事太行苦热行兼寄院中诸公仍呈王员外 Feng and (a surname) Doctor With Lu Appraise things through discussion extremely Hard line Hot-line and send the gentlemen still on the king in hospital ministry councillor
洛阳主簿叔知和驿承恩赴选伏辞一首 Luoyang Uncle knowledge and relay the main book To receive graces (from the emperor,etc.) Fuxuanfuci a (poem)
题冤句宋少府厅留别 Tiyuanjusong Shaofu,officer's title in tang dynasty hall give souvenir on parting
罢摄官后将还旧居,留辞李侍御 Officers will also stop old home photo Leaving speech Lishi Yu
赠别于群投笔赴安西 Parting words The group voted to go to document Anxi
送薛据宰涉县(自永乐主簿陟状,寻复选受此官) accompany Xue ju Slaughter Shè xiàn county Zhi-shaped main book from wing-lok Xunfuxuanshouciguan