唐代 刘长卿 Liu Changqing  唐代   (?~791)
江中晚钓,寄荆南一二相识 River Send Jingnan night fishing Just a few acquaintance
九日岳阳待黄遂、张涣 The ninth day of the ninth noon, a festival on the lunar calendar Yue township When Zhang Huan Huang Sui
题王少府尧山隐处,简陆鄱阳 Question Wang Shaofu,officer's title in tang dynasty (surname) mountain Jane Lu Poyang of hiding
晚次湖口有怀 Late times are pregnant with Hukou
陪元侍御游支硎山寺 Yuan Shi Yu Yu accompanying support whetstone Temple
桂阳西州晚泊古桥村住人 Guiyang Jersey Night park Guqiao village To live in
夕次檐石湖,梦洛阳亲故 Shek Wu Meng Xi times eaves Luoyang relatives and old acquaintances
按覆后归睦州,赠苗侍御 After the return Muzhou donated by follow-Miao Shi Yu
奉寄婺州李使君舍人 Lee Bong Send Wuzhou Honorific fitle of civil governor of a province in ancient china Scheeren
哭魏兼遂 cry Wei jian satisfy
负谪后登干越亭作 Fuzhehoudeng Trespass Pavilion for
入白沙渚,夤缘二十五里至石窟山下,怀天台陆山人 to enter White sands islet Try to advance one's career by carrying favour with important people Twenty five Lane and Grotto Huai-foot rooftop landing hermit
禅智寺上方怀演和尚,寺即和尚所创 Chan Chi Temple At the head of Huai speech Bonze Temple is Bonze Created by
贾侍郎自会稽使回篇什盈卷兼蒙见寄一首…数事率成十韵 merchant Assistant minister Since the recovery Kuaiji Poetry Yingjuanjianmeng see Send A (poem) Rate of a few things into the 10 rhyme
秋日夏口涉汉阳,献李相公 Autumn Xiakou Involved in Hanyang Xian Li Xiang Gong
归沛县道中晚泊留侯城 Return Peixian county Road Night park Liu Hou City
奉陪萧使君入鲍达洞寻灵山寺 I won't say no. desolate Honorific fitle of civil governor of a province in ancient china Rubao Da-dong search Lingshan
孙权故城下怀古,兼送友人归建业 Sun quan, ruler of the state of wu during the period of three kingdoms Old city below Meditate on the past concurrently Accompany friend return Jianye county
宿双峰寺,寄卢七、李十六 lodge An arabian [a bactrian] camel Temple Jiluqili caroche
登扬州栖灵寺塔 Ascend Yangzhou Habitat Ling Monastery Tower
湖上遇郑田 Lake on the case of Zheng Tian
古诗 ancient style poetry




【资料来源】 卷149_43
