唐代 刘长卿 Liu Changqing  唐代   (?~791)
送袁明府之任 Any of the government to send Yuan Ming
南湖送徐二十七西上 South lake Send Xu Twenty-seven West on
曲阿对月别岑况、徐说 bend A pair of Xu said on condition of other Cen
送路少府使东京便应制举 Give way Shaofu,officer's title in tang dynasty employ Tokyo convenient Write poem according to the emperor's order lift
松江独宿 Songjiang alone Su
送行军张司马罢使回 See off Jun Zhang Minister of war in ancient china Strike to back
喜李翰自越至 Xi Han-from Vietnam to
罪所留系寄张十四 Send Zhang Silurian sin myristic acid
送勤照和尚往睢阳赴太守请 Send Qin Zhao Bonze Go to Sui Procurator engage
长门怨 Nagato complain
送李校书适越谒杜中丞 School books more suitable to Li Ye Du an official's name
西庭夜燕,喜评事兄拜会 West Court Night yan to be fond of Appraise things through discussion man or boy having the same parents as another person pay a call
扬州雨中张十宅观妓(一作张谓诗) Yangzhou View of the rain Zhang 10 prostitutes a home for Zhang wei poem
赴宣州使院,夜宴寂上人房,留辞前苏州韦使君 Xuanzhou to go to hospital Dinner party lonesome Buddhist monk Fangliuciqian Suzhou (city) (surname) honorific fitle of civil governor of a province in ancient China
送薛承矩秩满北游 Xue Cheng send full rank moment trip to the North
送严维尉诸暨(严即越州人) accompany Yan wei Wei Yan is more Zhuji buckeye
送李七之笮水谒张相公 Seven of the narrow water to Li Ye Zhang Xiang Gong
送崔处士先适越 Send Cui Department disabilities First, the more appropriate
奉陪使君西庭送淮西魏判官(得山字) I won't say no. Honorific fitle of civil governor of a province in ancient china West Court sent Huai Western Wei Official Te-shan words
古诗 ancient style poetry



【资料来源】 卷148_20
