唐代 刘长卿 Liu Changqing  唐代   (?~791)
自江西归至旧任官舍,赠袁赞府(时经刘展平后) from Jiangxi Return to the old office Official residences When the government grants by Liu Yuan Chan Expansion rear
赴南中题褚少府湖上亭子(一作李嘉祐诗) Chu went to South Africa and title Shaofu,officer's title in tang dynasty Lake Belvedere 1 for Li jiayou poem
上巳日越中与鲍侍郎泛舟耶溪 The day had The more the And Bao Assistant minister Go boating Yexi
双峰下哭故人李宥 An arabian [a bactrian] camel Next Cry decedent Liyou
使次安陆寄友人 Make time Anlu lodge at friend
哭陈歙州 Kuchenxizhou
酬屈突陕 Chouqutushan
送惠法师游天台,因怀智大师故居 Give benefits Rabbi Yu Ji roof for Daddy Former Residence
送侯中丞流康州 Send Hou An official's name Flow Connecticut
别严士元(一作李嘉祐诗) Do one for Yan Sze Li jiayou poem
避地江东,留别淮南使院诸公 To avoid South of the changjiang river Give souvenir on parting The middle part of anhui province So that the gentlemen in hospital
送台州李使君,兼寄题国清寺 accompany Taizhou (a surname) Honorific fitle of civil governor of a province in ancient china Send questions and Guoqing Temple
狱中闻收东京有赦 Wen received prison Tokyo Pardons
送孙逸归庐山(得帆字) accompany Sun yi return Lushan mountain Have fan characters
送常十九归嵩少故林 Sent often Nineteen Guisongshaogu Lin
送宇文迁明府赴洪州张观察追摄丰城令 accompany Yu-wen Qianmingfufu Hongzhou Zhang guan Police chase that photo Hojo
送李将军(一作送开府侄随故李使君旅亲却赴上都) To Li Check Open House for sending a nephew with it Lee Honorific fitle of civil governor of a province in ancient china Brigade has to go to both the pro-
西陵寄一上人 Send a Xiling Buddhist monk
赋得(一作皇甫冉诗,题作春思) Fu De 1 for huangfu ran poem The question to Spring Thinking
三月李明府后亭泛舟(一作皇甫冉诗) Mar Li ming After the Government Pavilion Go boating 1 for Huangfu ran poem
喜朱拾遗承恩拜命赴任上都 Xi Zhu Gleaning To receive graces (from the emperor,etc.) To receive an order Go to take one's post Both
古诗 ancient style poetry




【资料来源】 卷151_29
